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23 第2课时 Colours I See


  老师:hello everyone im miss guo nice to see you again today were going to learn unit five colors lesson two。

  老师:本单元的主题为 enjoy the COLORFUL world。上一课我们学习了颜色的英文表达。本节课我们将进一步了解颜色。本科的主题为 colors IC。通过学习,你将能够询问物品的颜色并做出回答,能够模仿对话并进行游戏互动。除此之外,你还能够感受这个多彩的世界。希望同学们在学习的过程中能够认真思考,积极参与,大胆实践。接下来,就让我们开启今天的学习之旅。

  老师:first lets enjoy a song look this is mikes family they drive a car to see the colorful world what colors do they see? Lets take a look.

  学生:Blue i see something blue. i see something blue blue blue blue i see something blue。 Find something blue.

  学生:yellow i see something yellow i see something yellow i see something yellow find something yellow, red i see something red, i see something red i see something red find something red, purple i see something purple i see something purple, i see something purple find something purple。

  学生:bill yellow red purple i see colors everywhere。

  老师:boys and girls, i see blue the car is blue what colors do you see。

  学生:i see red good, i see purple great i see yellow。

  老师:good job now lets see more colors look who are they yes, they are bill joy,妖妖彬彬 Lily and Andy where are。 Today. Great. They are in the park.

  老师:what a colorful park is very beautiful bill SEES the park through a telescope bill 正在使用望远镜观看公园的美景。有了望远镜的帮助,它可以把公园的景色看得更加清晰。

  老师:i have a telescope too。 Let's read. Telescope. Telescope. What does Bill see from the telescope? Let's have a look. What does he see? A bed. What color is it?

  学生:It's yellow.

  老师:Can joy see the bird?


  老师:So what does joy say? Let's listen and watch.

  学生:Oh, a bird. What color is it? It's yellow.

  老师:Where does Bill say?

  学生:Bill says, oh, a.

  老师:Bird. How about joy? What does she say? What.

  学生:Color is it? Great.

  老师:What does Bill answer?

  学生:It's yellow.

  老师:Wonderful. Now let's listen and say. Are you ready? Here we go.

  学生:Oh, a bird. What color is it? It's yellow.

  老师:Now let's do a role play. I want to be joy and you are Bill. Are you ready? Here we go.

  学生:Oh, a bird.

  老师:What color is it?

  学生:It's yellow.

  老师:This time I want to be Bill and you are, joy. Let's read it again. Ready? Go. Oh, a bird.

  学生:What color is it?

  老师:It's yellow. Good job. Now let's go back to the park. Look, what does Lily see? Let's watch.

  学生:A dog. What color is it?

  老师:It's black. What does Lily see? A dog. Can women see the dog? What does he say?

  学生:What color is it?

  老师:What does Lily answer? It's black. Good job. Now let's listen and repeat.

  学生:A dog. A dog. What color is it? What color is it? It's black.

  老师:It's black. Wonderful boys and girls. Lily, see something else? Look. What's.

  学生:This? A frog.

  老师:Good. What does Binbin say?

  学生:What color is it? Great. Now look. It's. It's green. Excellent.

  老师:This time Lily sees a flower. Let's preten


《23 第2课时 Colours I See》.doc
