一年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

21 第5课时 Count and Tally


  老师:Hello, children. Welcome back to English class. I am your English teacher. You can call me Miss June. Today we are going to learn Unit 4 numbers.

  老师:Sen five 在前四课时的学习中,我们已经认识了数字,学习了如何谈论数量以及用数字计数。相信大家都对数字有了更多的了解。今天我们将学习第五课时 count and Tally。本节课我们将通过一一对应复习点数 1- 10。我们还会收集信息,以 5 个为一组,用计数符号记录数据。我们还会尝试用不同的方式表示相同的数量。好了,就让我们现在就开始课堂吧。

  老师:Before we start our class, please get your learning materials ready. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Now let's meet some old animal friends. This is a monkey. Can you say hello to the monkey?

  学生:Hello, monkey.

  老师:And this is our DOC friend. We say.

  学生:Hello, dog.

  老师:And hello, bird. Hello cat. And the last one, the tiger. We should say.

  学生:Hello, Tiger.

  老师:Wow, good job. Here comes more monkeys. How many monkeys can you see? 1,2,3. 4 monkeys. Now it's your turn to say 4 Monkeys.

  学生:4 Monkeys.

  老师:Here comes some tigers. How many tigers can you see? 1,2,3. There are three tigers. Can you say three tigers?

  学生:Three Tigers.

  老师:The bird has many friends, too. How many birds can you see? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. There are seven birds. Now you say 7 birds?

  学生:Seven birds.

  老师:Wow, you are very good at counting. This time, can you show me the number with your fingers? Let's see how many dogs are there? 1,2,3,4,5. There are five dogs. Then how about the cats? How many cats are there? 1,2,3,4,5,6. There are six cats. Great job, everybody.

  老师:Now we are ready to explore more about numbers we already know. We could show the numbers using numerals like 1,2,3,4, and five. We could also use our fingers to show the number like 1,2,3,4, and five.

  老师:Can you show numbers in other ways? How about we use some bananas? I love bananas. That's one banana, two bananas, three bananas. And how many bananas are there? That's 4. There are four bananas.

  老师:And how about we use some counting sticks? They are very useful. Let's have a look. There are many animals here. Can you find our monkey friends? How many monkeys can you find? With the help of the sticks, we could put one stick on each monkey we see.


  老师:Let's count together. 1,2,3,4,5,6. Oh, I know there are 6 monkeys, so six sticks means the No. 6. And we could also use our finger to show the No. 6, right? Do you know how many sticks are there? It's a bit hard to tell because there are just so many of them. Let's put them into groups.

  老师:5 in a group, like five fingers on one hand, and we have four left. Oh, now I know that's 9,5 and four, but the counting sticks are a bit hard to bring anyway, so people use something we called telling marks to show the number like this. Now we know it straight away, 5 and 4, that's nine. The Teddy Marks work this way, from 1 to four. The number of straig


《21 第5课时 Count and Tally》.doc
