必修 第三册 ·英语· 外研社版

11 Unit 3 The world of science(1)


  老师:hello, everybody im 潘禺。

  老师:From Function School affiliated to Capital Normal University, welcome to the class. Today we are going to start Unit 3, the world of science. This period we are going to deal with the first passage, the new age of invention, and will mainly focus on reading. Here are our learning objectives at the end of this lesson, you will be able to, 1. Get the main idea of an interview.

  老师:2 find out detailed information about the inventions of the past and now, and what inspires people to invent things. 3 voice your opinions about inspiration for invention. Speaking of science and inventions, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it the ancient inventions like gunpowder or the compass, Hua Yao, Hua Nanjing or tech based technology such as virtual reality, wearable tag and the flexible.

  老师:for batteries 虚拟现实可穿戴技术和柔性电池。

  老师:Throughout human history, science and inventions have greatly improved quality of our life in all aspects, including food, clothing, housing and transportation. But have you ever imagined what life will be like in the year 3000? What new inventions will there be?

  老师:Now, let's enjoy a video clip about life in the year 3000. While watching, please think about the following questions. one which of the inventions in the video interests you most why。 2 which of the inventions in the video do you think will become a reality?

  学生:Unit 3, life in the year 3000. A lot has changed over the last thousand years. We're better dressed and better looking. We're better educated. We travel more widely. We're healthier. And on average, we live much longer lives. Things seem to be getting better and better. So what will life be like in the year 3000?

  学生:In the year 3000, we'll be wearing special clothes that can change according to our surroundings. Whether it's cold and wet or hot and dry, our clothes will change to keep us feeling comfortable.

  学生:And when we have science lessons at school, we won't need to use microscopes to see tiny things like cells, we'll just take a pill to make us small enough to visit and explore them ourselves.

  学生:Our cars will be able to fly and go underwater. This will make it a lot easier to travel to another country or even another continent.

  学生:And we'll be going on holiday to other planets, too.

  学生:Yes, I'd love to spend my summer holiday relaxing on the moon or climbing the mountains on Mars.

  学生:We'll apply special technology to our brains and use it to translate any foreign language as we hear it. When we travel. We'll be able to understand and speak to everyone.

  学生:We'll develop medicines that can easily cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. What's more, we'll be able to live for more than 120 years. That means even at the age of 50, we'll still be young.



《11 Unit 3 The world of science(1)》.doc
