必修 第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

6 Unit 2 Let’s celebrate!(1)


  老师:hello, everyone im 丁慧君 from liangxianghai。

  老师:School affiliated to Beijing Normal University. Welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn Book 2, Unit 2. Let's celebrate. This is the first class of Unit 2, understanding ideas. We are going to read a passage. The title is the real Father Christmas. I hope at the end of the class you will be able to, number one, get the main idea of the book.

  老师:Number two, find out the key information of the book. Number three, introduce the book in your own words. Number four, talk about the most important gift you have received. Before that, let's meet a famous writer. First, J R R. Token. Do you know him? Okay. Please open your books, turn to page fourteen. Now read the introduction to talking and answer the questions.

  老师:Number one, what kind of novel is token famous for? No. 2, have you ever read any of tokens books or sing any of the films based on them? What do you think of them? No. 3, what else do you know about token? Please work in groups of 4 and discuss the questions. You have three minutes to do that. Time is up. Let's check your answers. Number one, what kind of novel is token famous for? Kelly, please.

  学生:Token is famous for some of the world's most popular high fantasy.

  老师:Novels. Yes, very good. You are right. No. 2, have you ever read any of tokens books or seen any of the films based on them? What do you think of them? Wilson, please.

  学生:I have read his fantasy novel, The Hobbit. I think it is very popular and is a classic in children's literature.

  老师:Very good. Anyone else wants to have a try? James, please.

  学生:I have seen the film the Lord of the rings. The film took me into a fantastic world and I was deeply moved by it. I think it is a piece of classic work.

  老师:Good. Thanks for sharing. Question number three. What else do you know about the token Alex? Have a try, please j.

  学生:R token was born in South Africa many of tokens early. Memories of South Africa are reported to have influenced his later works. Throughout his life, talking had cultivated a love of language, especially ancient.

  老师:Languages. Excellent. You give us more information about token. Thank you. I hope all of you can find more information about the talking and share your research with your classmates after class. Do you know that token wrote some letters that made up the book, letters from Father Christmas? The passage, the real Father Christmas is a book review of it. Now look at the pictures and the title on pages fourteen and 15 to predict what letters from Father Christmas is about and why token wrote these letters. Just stop here. Different students have different ideas. Now, read the passage quickly and check your prediction. Let me show you a sample. Letters from Father Christmas is a col


《6 Unit 2 Let’s celebrate!(1)》.doc
