必修 第二册 ·英语· 外研社版

5 Unit 1 Food for thought(5)


  老师:hello everyone im 邢荔枝 from function school。

  老师:To affiliated to your Capital, Normal University. in this class we are going to learn unit one food for thought lesson five。 We will focus on developing ideas, writing a recipe.

  老师:1St, let's come to the learning objectives today. at the end of the class you will be able to。 Summarize the main idea and specific information of the food. Block 2. Master the writing characteristics and techniques of recipes. 3. Write recipes of your favorite food. 4. Make improvements of your own writing. Can you tell something about your cooking experience? you can focus on these aspects name of the dish ingredients。 Instructions and flavor. Okay, let's look at Lilan's cooking experience.

  老师:Name of the dish. dair fried meat and potatoes i need potatoes meat oil soy sauce and。 The thought, I need to watch the potatoes and meat first. And then I cut the potatoes and meat. Next, I put the oil in the pan and stir fry the potatoes and meat for 2 minutes. Finally, I add the salt, soy sauce and put them into the plate.

  老师:it tastes delicious 李来 introduced her cooking experience of。

  老师:The stir fried meat and potatoes. She's. hold the ingredients and the instructions。 Very good job. Now, please open your books 10 to page 11. We will read a foot block. Please read it quickly and find out what it is about. its a footblog about guangbao chicken lets look at the footblog this part is the introduction about gong bao chicken this part is a recipe。 It includes ingredients and instructions. Now please read this food block carefully and answer the questions.

  老师:Number one, what is the origin of Gumbo Chicken? Number two, what are the two main parts of a recipe? No. 3, how do you cook gumbau chicken? Describe the process in your own verse. Number one, what is the origin of Gumbo Chicken? Gumbau chicken was originally a family dish.

  老师:of 丁宝珍,偶尔丁公堡。

  老师:High ranking called official of Qing Dynasty. No. 2. What are the two main parts of a recipe? The two main parts of a recipe are the ingredients and the instructions. No. 3. How do you cook gumbau chicken? Describe the process in your own words. You can answer this question, refer to the ingredients and the instructions part. Next, read the introduction part once again and prepare to retell the introduction about gumbo chicken. You can pay more attention to the underlying sentences. Originally a family dish of ding baozhen, one of the most popular dishes, hard to resist, easy to make, and can be adapted to individual tastes. Now please retell the introduction about gumbo chicken with the help of this. sentences Wang Chang,please。

  学生:公 mbao chicken was originally a family。

  学生:Dish of dingbao zhen. It has become one of the most popular dishes in Chinese restaurants thr


《5 Unit 1 Food for thought(5)》.doc
