必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

13 Unit 3 Family matters(3)


  老师:Hello, everyone. Today we will work on Book 1, Unit 3, Family Matters, listening and speaking. And the title is saying sorry to family members. At the end of the class, you will be able to find out how Alice and her mother felt in their conversation.

  老师:Note down the information in Alistair entry. Act out a conversation to apologize to a family member and have another conversation to make apology. Do you love your family? Yes, right then.

  老师:May the 15th, the International Day of families is a good day to celebrate. Please turn to page 31. Let's read a short paragraph about it. The International Day of families, which were set by the United Nations in 1993 is held on may the 15th every year, the day celebrates the importance of families. It aims to deepen people's understanding of issues that are related to families. With a different theme each year, the day is observed with a wide range of events that are organized at local, national and international levels.

  老师:We all want a happy family, but what makes a happy family? A lot of people say it is understanding that makes a happy family. Have your family members ever had any misunderstanding with each other and felt sorry to each other? Can you give an example? What did you do when that happened? Okay. It is obvious that we do sometimes have some misunderstanding with our family members and feel sorry to each other, and we always hesitate to say sorry.

  老师:Later this period, we will listen to what happened to Alice and her mother when that happened. First, let's look at Activity 7 on page 31. Listen to the conversation and choose the feelings that the speakers express. Living with families, women experience different feelings at times. What kind of feelings do the following emojis express? Obviously, they expressed feelings angry, sad, embarrassed, sorry, confused and happy. Now let's listen to the conversation and choose the feelings Alice and her mother expressed and tried to tell why they felt that way. Mom.

  学生:It's me. Alice, what's wrong? You sound upset.

  学生:I knew it.

  学生:Oh, no, I forgot, didn't I? Your concert was today and I missed it.

  学生:It wasn't a concert, it was the school play. And yes.

  学生:You missed it. Alice, I'm so sorry. I was really busy with work. Someone was off sick, so I had to do his work, too.

  学生:Couldn't you have asked someone else to do it? I know work is very important to you. It's just everyone said I was really good in the play. I wanted you to see it, too.

  学生:I'm sorry I didn't make it, dear. You worked so hard on your part and I'm so proud of you. I should have been there. I promise I'll never do it again. Can you forgive me?

  学生:It's alright. I understand you're very busy, but you've worked so much recently, you need some time off to relax. I


《13 Unit 3 Family matters(3)》.doc
