必修 第一册 ·英语· 外研社版

2 Unit 1 A new start(2)


  老师:Hello everyone, welcome to my class. I'm Wang Yusu from Liang Xiang High School affiliated to Beijing Normal University. Today we are going to learn book 1, Unit 1, a new start. This is the second lesson of Unit 1. In this lesson, we are going to deal with the using language part in Unit 1. We will review the basic sentence structures of English, learning objectives. I hope by the end of this lesson you will be able to.

  老师:1 get the basic sentence structures of English and analyze the structures of sentences to write and talk about a school story in the right sentence structures. Before we start, please review the reading passage.

  老师:My first day at Senior High and retail. What happened to Meng Hao on that day? Any volunteers? Good. Let's welcome student A. Well done. Okay, I can see that you did a very good job. Now let's turn to page 5 and look at activity one. Match the sentences that share the same structures. 1St, you will read the sentences in the left column. Find them out from the reading passage and underline them. You have two minutes. Okay, let's begin. Time is up. Next, compare the two groups of sentences in Activity 1 and match the sentences that share the same structures. You have three minutes. Okay, time is up. Let's check the answers together. Number one, e, he wrote a long letter. Number two, B, she agreed. Number three, see, I passed him a book. Number four, f, he talked loudly. No. 5, G, she looked after her sister patiently. Number six, a, he was friendly. Number seven, b, the exam made me quite nervous. Now think about this question, what makes a sentence? Yes? In an English sentence, we usually have the subject.

  老师:主语通常用大写字母 s 表示。 the verb 谓语动词,通常用大写字母 v 表示。

  老师:the object which includes the direct object and the indirect object。

  老师:宾语包括直接宾语和间接宾语。在这里我们都用大写字母 o 表示。 the predicative 表语,通常用大写字母 p 表示。 the compliment 无语,通常用大写字母 c 表示。 besides we also have the adverbu 状语,通常用大写字母 a 表示。 MV attribute 定语,通常用 ATTRIB 表示。

  老师:we divide these elements into two groups because the upper ones are main elements without which the sentence will be incomplete, and the lower ones are modifiers without which the sentence is still complete。


  老师:Then how do these elements work together to form a sentence? Let's take the first group of sentences in activity 1, for example. Number one, I saw a white haired man. It's made up of the subject I, the verb so, and the object a white haired man. So its structure is as we.

  老师:oh 这个句子由主语 i 谓语 so 宾语 a white haired man 构成,我们说它是主谓宾结构。

  老师:Next, you are going to work in pairs, analyze the rise of the sentences, and write down their structures. You have five minutes. Time is up. Let's check the answers. Number two, I


《2 Unit 1 A new start(2)》.doc
