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21 M2 Unit 3 Language in use


  老师:同学们好,我是北京景山学校张宏佳老师。今天我们来学习拜研版英语教材七年级下册 module two unit three language。 It in use. Please open your books 10 to page twelve, 1st. Let's look at language practice. Please read these sentences with me. I can play the piano. She can dance really well. We can teach you Chinese. Can you cook? Yes, I can. No, I can't. Which word is used in all these sentences? Yes. Can. What does can mean in Chinese? Yes. None. Wait. And what kind of words are used right after can.

  老师:words 只是在疑问句中 can 提到了句首,与动词分开了。在回答一般疑问句时,肯定回答用 yes i can 否定,回答用 no i cant。省略了后面的动词。我们来总结一下,在表达某人能做某事时,可以用 can 加动词原形的结构,例如, he can swim, they can speak English。大家注意看,是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。那么如果表达某人不能做某事,在 can 的后面加 not 成为cannot,可以缩写为cant。例如, i cant play football dick cant dance。那么疑问句的构成是什么呢?对了,如果要询问某人能不能做某事,则将 can 提至句首。

  老师:回答时肯定用 can 否定用cant,例如, can you play the piano?回答为 yes i can 或者 no i cant in unit one and two youre learnt aloud about whats?大名 Tony Betty and 玲玲 can do do you remember them now lets look at some pictures and say what they can do?

  老师:what combat you do yes Betty can cook what can Tony do? yes Tony can play table tennis what can daming do?

  老师:yes 大明 can play basketball, can daming play other ball games yes 大 Ming can play football too look at this picture what other sport? can 大明 do right he can run and we can see he is passing another boy and winning the race so we know,大 Ming can run really fast he is really good at sports 大 Ming cannot only do sports, but also other things then what else can 大 Ming do yes。

  老师:大 Ming can play the piano, what can leaning do yes she can dance and Lin condance really well, what does it mean yes that is to say Lin is good at dancing if someone is good at something, we can say he or she can do something well or do something really well。这里请大家注意副词 well 修饰动词的用法,比如说篮球打得很好可以怎么说?

  老师:yes play basketball very well。

  老师:再举一个例子,说英语说得好怎么说? yes speaking。 English. Well, these are about what Daming Lin, Betty and Tony can do. We know students show their own abilities in different ways. Now let's meet a group of other students to see what they can do. And the cats do. This is Linda. Can Linda play the violin?

  老师:Yes, she can. This is Mike. Can Mike swim? No, he can't. This is Tom. Can Tom ride a bike? Yes, he can. This is David. Can David speak Chinese? No, he can't. Just now we Learned that students have different abilities such as doing sports, speaking foreign languages, playing musical instruments, were doing other things. Now let's read these sentences describing different abilities. David can't speak Chinese. Tony can play table tennis.

  老师:大明 complain the piano, Tom can ride a bike here we should pay attention to the usage of articles when we talk about different abilities。这里我们需要注意冠词a,n, the 以及冠词的省略的用法。

  老师:first speak Chinese do we use an


《21 M2 Unit 3 Language in use》.doc
