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24 Starter Module 3 My English book(1)


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是来自北京市陈经纶中学佳明分校的戴威老师。今天很高兴和大家一起来学习外研版初一年级英语 STARTER module three my English book。本节课是这一模块儿的第一课时, first were enjoying a song what can you hear in the sun?

  学生:what is what is what is what its the dog? It's a dog.

  学生:It's like, it's a ball. It's a ball. It's a ball. What is what? This? What? This? What? What? It's the cat. It's the cat. It's the cat.

  老师:Is a lovely song. What can you hear in the sun? What's this? How to answer this question? Is a dog. Now I will give you some pictures. Try to answer my questions like this. Are you ready? Let's go. Look at this picture. What's this in English? Is a ball. What's this in English? Is a school bag. What's this in English? Is a chair. What's this in English? Is a ruler. What's this in English? Is an eraser. Good job. Let's go on. Now you will listen and point the pictures in order. Are you ready? Let's listen.

  学生:1. What's this in English? It's a bird. 2 what's this in English? It's a book. 3. What's this in English? It's a cat. 4 what's this in English? It's a dog. 5 what's this in English? It's a flower. 6 what's this in English? It's a pen. 7 what's this in English? It's a pencil.

  老师:Have you got all of them? Good job. Let's go on. Now you will listen to a dialogue and take notes. What's this in English? Are you ready? Let's listen.

  学生:What's this in English? It's a book. Write it on the blackboard, please. Okay. Be oh, and hey, look. It's a book. Thank you.

  老师:Have you got the answer? What's this in English? Is a book. Good. Now let's go on. You will listen again and read aloud.

  学生:What's this in English? It's a book. Write it on the blackboard, please. Okay. Be and, and hey, book. It's a book. Thank you.

  老师:I will give you many pictures and try to answer my questions. are you ready now lets go on how do you spare basketball? b a s k e t b a l basketball? how do you spare panda? p a n d a PANDA? how do you spare computer?

  老师:how do you spare monkey? m o n k e y monkey? how do you spare chicken? c h i c k e n chicken? how do you spare blackboard? b l a C k b o AR d。 Blackboard. Now you will listen and point the pictures in order. Are you ready? Now, let's listen.

  学生:Hold on. What's this in English? It's a panda. How do you spell it? Hey, a. And they, hey, Panda. 2, what's this in English? It's a monkey. How do you spell it? I'm. Oh, and okay. See? Why? Monkey. 3, what's this in English? It's a blackboard. How do you spell it? Be l, a. See? Okay. They, oh, a, B, blackboard 4, what's this in English? It's a computer. How do you spell it? Say, oh, am, p, you, p, a. Computer. 5, what's this in English? It's a basketball. How do you spell it? Be a. If, okay. Eh, t, be a, l. Oh, basketball. 6. What's this in English? It's a chicken. How do you spell it? See, H,


《24 Starter Module 3 My English book(1)》.doc
