七年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

22 Starter Module 2 My English lesson(1)


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是来自清华附中朝阳学校的曹老师,很高兴今天和大家一起学习外延社初一英语上册 start a model two, my English lesson 本节课是这一模块的第一课时。

  老师:Look there is a picture lets talk about the picture who are they where are they oh you think they are a teacher, and some students they are in the classroom now, lets listen to a dialogue and check the answers.

  学生:Good morning class good morning, miss Joe please sit down.

  老师:Yes, youre right they are a teacher and some students they are in the classroom,now, lets listen again and i want to know what the teacher and the students say in the dialogue, i have three questions to help you question one what does the teacher say at first.


  老师:question two what do the students say?

  老师:学生说什么了? question three what does the teacher say at last at last 最后,老师说什么了?

  老师:You will listen twice remember to take some notes are you okay lets listen for the first time.

  学生:Good morning class, good morning miss Joe please sit down now.

  老师:Lets listen to it again.

  学生:Good morning class good morning, miss Joe please sit down.

  老师:Now lets check the answers why does the teacher say at first. at the first the teacher says good morning, class what do the students say at the students say, the students say good morning miss Joe look at question three, why does the teacher say it last at last the teacher says please sit down, please sit down。

  老师:我们在英语中也可以说,我们也可以说, sit down please, sit down in Chinese means。坐下 please 请它是一种礼貌用语。 please 可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾。但是请注意,放在句尾的时候一定要用一个逗号把 please 和前面的部分隔开。

  老师:now lets listen again and read aloud。

  学生:good morning class good morning miss Joe, please sit down。

  老师:if you want to learn the passage well, please read more after class, in English classes the teacher will give us some instructions now, i will show you some pictures about them please look at picture one do you know it yes, sit down sit down 坐下 please sit down 请坐下。 look at a picture two please, open your book 打开书 please open your book。请打开书。 picture three, listen 听一听 please listen 请听一听。 picture four, draw 画一画, please draw 请画一画。

  老师:picture five, put up your hand。

  老师:举手 please put up your hand 请举手。 now look at picture six stand up, stand up 起立 please stand up 请起立 when the teacher says class begins the monitor will say stand up, please and then you should stand up stand up,please, please stand up, picture seven, close your book。和尚书 please close your book 请和尚书 when the class is over you can close your book。刚才我们初步学习了一些课堂用语。

  老师:Now please listen and repeat.

  学生:One sit down two open your book, three listen,four, five put up your hand, six stand up, seven close your book.

  老师:Okay, lets listen again and do it.

  学生:One sit down two open your book, three listen, four five put up your hand six stand up seven close your book.



《22 Starter Module 2 My English lesson(1)》.doc
