七年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

8 M7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer


  老师:同学们好,欢迎大家走进北京市中小学空中课堂,我是来自北京市第八十中学的江波老师。今天我们要学习的内容是外研版初中英语七年级上册 MODULE seven unit one。

  老师:How do I write my homework on the computer? Boys and the girls, please look at the picture. Was this good? It's a computer. Then what are the parts of the computer? Was this, boys and girls? It's a screen. Please read after me a screen, a screen. And what's this? It's a keyboard. Please read after me. A keyboard. A keyboard. Then what's this? It's a mouse. Please read after me. A mouse. A mouse. Please listen to the conversation between Miss Lee and Tony. Then number the words. Are you ready? Let's get started.

  学生:This is our computer. Tony, can you help me, please? Yes, Miss Lee, what's this in English? That's the screen. Okay? And this? That's the keyboard. That's right. And what's this? The mouth. Good.

  老师:Have you finished? Let's check the answers together. The first word is very good, screen. And the second word is great, keyboard. The last word is, of course, mouse. You did a very good job. We've known different parts of the computer. Then how does the computer work? Don't worry, I will give you some help.

  老师:Do you know the word boys and girls? Very good. It's connect. Connect. Please read after me. Connect. Connect. Then boys and the girls, do you know the expression? Turn on. Very good. Turn on the yishi, that kite, please read after me. Turn on, turn on. We need to turn on the computer before we use it, right? Okay. How does the computer work? Please complete the sentences with the word and expression. Have you finished? Let's listen and check the answers.

  学生:And how does it work? Dummy? First, connect the screen to the computer. Okay, good. What's next? Connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Good. And finally. Finally. Turn on the computer. Right? Turn on the computer.

  老师:Okay, boys and girls. What's the first one? Excellent. Connect. And what's the second one? Very good. Connect to. And the last one is great. Turn on, boys and girls. That's read the sentences aloud. 1St. Connect the screen to the computer. Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Finally. turn on the computer 同学们,你们是不是也发现,在第一句话和第二句话里都有一个短语非常好,就是 connect to connect to 的意思是把什么和什么连接。同学们,你们是不是也发现,大明在介绍电脑是如何工作时,使用了 first next finally 这样的顺序词,让他的介绍变得更有条理,更加清晰了?

  老师:with damins help the computer can work now, but Lin doesnt know。 How to use the computer. So she asks Betty for help. Let's listen to the beginning of their conversation and find out what Linlin wants to do on the computer. Please listen carefully.

  学生:How do I write my homework on the computer? Can I learn? Sure. First, open a new document.

  老师:Okay, boys and the girls, let's check the answer. Can you answer the question, what does Lily want to do on the computer? In this part,


《8 M7 Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer》.doc
