九年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

33 M10 Unit 3 Language in use


  老师:同学们好,欢迎来到空中课堂。我是北京工业大学附属中学的杨芳老师。今天我们来学习外研版初三上册第 10 模块儿的最后一个课是 module ten Australia unit three language in use。这是一节语言运用课。在本课结束时,你将完成模块任务。绘制一张介绍某个国家的英文小报,需要你熟练地使用定语,从句,从多个方面介绍一个国家。而且你的小报需要图文并茂,相信自己,你一定能够做得到。

  老师:1St, let's do activity 6 in your textbook. Let's look at the four pictures. Do you know what country they are about? Yes, Australia. As we see, a koala bear. Good job.

  老师:Actually, these are the photos that the girl in Picture d took in Australia. And now she is having a conversation with a friend talking about these photos. Let's listen. And number the pictures. Do you want to see my photos?

  学生:What photos?

  学生:The photos that I took in Australia.

  学生:Oh, yes, I'd love to see them.

  学生:Well, here I am in a zoo near Brisbane.

  学生:What's the strange animal that you're holding?

  学生:It's a special Australian bear called a koala bear. It's a lovely little animal that lives in trees.

  学生:It's so cute. Yes.

  学生:And this photo was taken in the Outback, a wild area that most people want to visit after the main tourist sites because it's so different from anywhere else.

  学生:It's just sand and rocks, isn't it?

  学生:Yes. It's the driest and loneliest place that I've ever, ever been to. Look, there's nothing around as far as you can see. And this is the hotel that I stayed in at the Great Barrier Reef.

  学生:It looks wonderful right on the beach. Yes.

  学生:It was amazing.

  学生:Did you take this photo underwater?

  学生:Yes, with a special camera that I borrowed from my uncle.

  学生:It must have been a wonderful sight, all those fish. It.

  学生:Was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It's an experience I'll never forget.

  老师:So shall we check the answer? Which one is the first picture? Yes, picture d, as we hear Echoala Bear. And what about number two? Yes, picture B. What is picture B about? The Outback. Read after me. The Outback. Good job. It means the wild area in Australia, far away from the coast where few people live. Okay, let's listen to this part again.

  学生:And this photo was taken in the outback, a wild area that most people want to visit after the main tourist sites, because it's so different from anywhere else.

  学生:It's just sand and rocks, isn't it?

  学生:Yes. It's the driest and loneliest place that I've ever been to. Look, there's nothing around as far as you can see.

  老师:Okay, let's go on. What is number three? Yes, picture A. What is picture about? It's about the hotel that the girl stayed in at the Great Barrier Reef. Let's listen again.

  学生:And this is the hotel that I stayed in at the Great Barrier Reef. It.

  学生:Looks wonderful, right on the beach.

  学生:Yes, it was amazing.

  老师:So the last picture must be, see, I'd like you to listen to this part again and then answer where and how the girl took the p


《33 M10 Unit 3 Language in use》.doc
