九年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

15 M5 Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum


  老师:同学们大家好,欢迎来到北京市中小学空中课堂。我是来自首都师范大学附属实验学校的邵丹老师。今天我们要一起学习的是外研版初三年级上册第五模块第二单元的内容,本单元的课题是 if you ever go。

  老师:To London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. In Module 5, Unit 1, we had a trip to an ordinary museum with our friends it lingling and daming. There were many rules there. Do you still remember them? Good. No shouting, no photos, no entry. Usually in an ordinary museum, there are a lot of things that we cannot do. But today we will step into a different museum. If you get into this museum, you will have quite different experiences.

  老师:Now please look at these two pictures. Which one is similar to the museum that Betty Linlin and Daming visited? Good. The one on the left. Do you know the museum on the right? Yes. It is a science museum.

  老师:How do you think the Science Museum is different from other museums? Which one has a lot of rules? Which one is noisy? In which museum can people do experiments? Well, I think you've got some ideas.

  老师:Now let's read a passage. You can check your ideas while reading. Please open your books and turn to page 36. Look at the passage. Can you find the subject quickly? Do you know what the word subject means here? It means juti. So what is the subject of the passage? Good. The subject is about the Science Museum in London. We can know it from the title. And who is the writer? Good. The writer is Tony Smith.

  老师:Now, please read the passage again and find how the Science Museum is different from other museums. Have you got the answer now? Let's check. Where can we find the answer? Yes, in paragraph 1, we see the sentences. In most museums, there is no shouting and no running and you must not touch anything. But the Science Museum is different. It is noisy. So we know in the Science Museum it is noisy and we can touch things. But is that all the answer? No. Let's look at paragraph three. We can see the sentences. And it is my favorite too, because there are lots of physics experiments. For example, if you want to feel a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of track on wheels and move it into the correct place. That means there are some experiments. And the writer uses an example to tell us that we can do experiments. So the answer is it is noisy and you can touch things and do experiments.

  老师:Since we've known the Science Museum is so different, do you want to know more information about it? Now? Please read the passage again and complete the table about Tony's favorite museum. Have you got the answers now? Let's check. Tony's favorite museum is the Science Museum. When we write a name, what should we pay attention to? Yes, the cap. a letter 科学博物馆是专有名词,所以在书写时应注意首字母大写。

  老师:next one it is in London, tonys favorite room is the lunchpad do you know the meaning of lunchpad?

  老师:good it means 发射台 w


《15 M5 Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum》.doc
