九年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 上册

17 M6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner,I'll finish it before I go to bed


  老师:同学们好,欢迎来到空中课堂,我是来自首都师范大学附属实验学校的王鑫老师。今天我们要一起学习的是外研版初三年级上册第六模块第一单元的内容,这一单元的题目是 if i start up。

  老师:After dinner, I'll finish it before I go to bed. In our daily life, everyone may have problems. What kind of problems do you have? You may have problems about your study with your friends or with your parents. Today, we are going to listen to some conversations about Tony's problems. Before our listening, let's learn some new words. 1St. What's this? Yes, it's a guitar. Besides guitar, we also have violin, piano and drum to play music. We have a name for all of them. Do you know it? Yes, we call them musical instruments. Read after me. Musical instruments. Musical instruments. What are the students doing? Yes, they are taking an exam. We take an exam to check our knowledge or ability in a particular subject. Look at this little boy. He got an F for today's exam. Did he pass the exam? No. So can you think of another phrase? Yes, it's fail once exam. The boy failed his exam. Read after me. Fail one's exam. Fail once exam. What are they doing? Yes, they are shaking hands, but then says something and the girl agrees with her dad. Then she promises to do what her dad says. So we can say they make a deal with each other. Read after me. Make a deal. Make a deal.

  老师:Tony is playing the guitar. His dad and mom are talking about it now. Let's listen to their conversation and find out what Tony's parents think his problem is. Let's listen together.

  学生:Watch that music.

  学生:It's Tony. He's playing the guitar.

  学生:He spends a lot of time playing the guitar. Has he done his homework?

  学生:Probably not. But all his friends are learning to play an instrument. He wants to play with them. I.

  学生:Don't want to stop him enjoying music, but he's got to study as well. If he doesn't work hard, he'll fail his exams.

  学生:Let's make a deal with him. We'll pay for guitar lessons if he works hard at school.

  学生:Okay, that's a good idea.

  老师:Let's listen again.

  学生:Watch that music.

  学生:It's Tony. He's playing the guitar.

  学生:He spends a lot of time playing the guitar. Has he done his homework?

  学生:Probably not, but all his friends are learning to play an instrument. He wants to play with them.

  学生:I don't want to stop him enjoying music, but he's got to study as well. If he doesn't work hard, he'll fail his exams.

  学生:Let's make a deal with him. We'll pay for guitar lessons if he works hard at school.

  学生:Okay, that's a good idea.

  老师:Now, let's check them together in the conversation. What is his dad worried about? He says he spends a lot of time playing the guitar. Has he done his homework? He is worried about the playing time. Then he also says if he doesn't work hard, he'll fail his exams. So what problem do Tony's parents think he has? Yes, they think To


《17 M6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner,I'll finish it before I go to bed》.doc
