八年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 下册

32 RB Grammar and speaking


  老师:同学们好,我是来自北京市第一六一中学的崔涵老师。今天我们一起来学习复习模块 b revision MODULE b。请同学们准备好课本,现在我们来开始今天的学习。

  老师:first of all lets review the grammar do you remember what we have learnt from module six to module ten。

  老师:在模块儿6。我们学习了简单句的基本句型, lets look at some examples these books are interesting。这句话是主语加系动词加表语的结构。

  老师:the ring has stopped。


  老师:my father loves pictures of course。


  老师:his hobbies has brought him enjoyment。


  老师:we can help you develop new skills。


  老师:there is a very nice cup on the table。

  老师:这句话是 there be 加主语的结构。

  老师:those sentences are simple sentences simple sentences are basic structures in English learning, please remember them carefully。


  老师:lets look at some examples i help him and he helps me。

  老师:用 and 连接两个简单句表示并列关系。

  老师:the children can go with us or they can stay at home。

  老师:用 or 连接表示选择关系。

  老师:she was tired, but she did not stop working。

  老师:用 but 连接表示转折关系 snow pee lives in his own world and finds real life hard to understand。用 and 连接表示并列关系 also we have learnt about object classes in the last three modules。

  老师:在最后的三个模块中,我们还学习了宾语从句 lets read some examples i hope that it will snow this winter。我希望今年冬天会下雪。 Tom wants to know whether or if he needs to come early tomorrow 趟。想知道明天他是否有必要早来?

  老师:do you know when we will hold the sports meeting?


  老师:they have not decided where they should go for the holiday。


  老师:those sentences all have updated clauses now lets do some exercise to review the use of update classes open your book and turn to page, eighty eight look at activity one ask for and give advice。

  老师:请同学们打开课本,翻到 88 页看练习一询问并给出建议。

  老师:were going to ask for advice with the given words and then give advice for example what do if i want to develop new skills, were going to use them to make a sentence so the first person may ask can you tell me? what i should do if i want to develop new skills the second person will say you should get a hobby, there is an object Claude in the first sentence when we ask for advice we can use object classes to show politeness, now we know how to make sentences lets do some practice together number one how make friends? the first person may ask can you tell me how i can make friends the second person may advice you should smell more often number two why not talk to me the first person can ask can you tell me why people do not talk to me? the advice can be because you are new and they do not know you? number three who talk to the first person, may say can you tell me who i should talk to the second person can say talk to everyone and you will soon make friends to sum up when we ask for advice or express our opinions we can use update c


《32 RB Grammar and speaking》.doc
