八年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 下册

10 M4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer.


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市三分中学的于婷婷老师,很高兴和大家见面。今天我们要一起学习的是换言社版初二英语下册第四模块儿第一单元的内容。本单元的题目是, i havent done much exercise since i got my computer。本节课是一节听说课,下面我们开始今天的课程学习。

  老师:Today we will talk about seeing the doctor. I believe most of us have seen a doctor in our life, but how can we express the illnesses in English? And what should we say while seeing a doctor? Today we will learn about them. I hope after this class you will have more ideas.


  老师:First, let's learn some words about common illnesses. Let's look at some pictures and tell what's wrong with this peep.


  老师:look at this picture, whats wrong with him he has got a cough。

  老师:咳嗽 read after me he has got a cough he has got a cough whats wrong?

  老师:with her she has got a fever。

  老师:发烧 or we can say she has got a temperature。温度的意思 now lets repeat she has got a fever she has got a temperature whats wrong with him?

  老师:he has got a sore throat。

  老师:嗓子痛 sore 表示痛的 throat 嗓子。

  老师:read after me he has got a sore throat he has got a sore throat whats wrong with him? he has got a broken leg。

  老师:骨折 read after me he has got a broken leg he has got a broken leg whats wrong with him he has got a nosebleed。流鼻血 lets repeat he has got a nose bleed whats wrong with her she has got a cold。感冒了。

  老师:Or we can say she has caught a code. Cut a code. Let's repeat. She has got a cold. She has caught a cold. What's wrong with him? He has got a headache. Can you guess the meaning of a.

  老师:cake ache means pain 痛疼。英文中我们可以用身体部位加 ache 来表示哪里疼,比如接下来的这两个词语, whats wrong with him he has got a stomachache?肚子疼 read after me, he has got a stomachache he has got a stomachache whats wrong with him, he has got a toothache。牙疼 read after me, he has got a toothache he has got a toothache these illnesses are very common in our life, do you still remember them lets review the words。这些都是生活中常见的疾病,下面我们一起来复习。

  老师:please read after me cough favor headache。 Headache. Stomachake. Stomach. Cake. Toothache. Toothache. Cold. Cold? No. Split. Sore throat. Sore throat. Broken leg. Broken leg. Now, let's do a practice about some of these illnesses. Match the words in the box with the pictures.


  老师:Now, let's check the answer. What's wrong with the boy? In the first picture, he has got a headache. In the second picture, he has got a stomachake. In the third picture, he has got a cough. And in the fourth picture, he has got a toothache. And in the last picture, he has got a favor.

  老师:Did you get all the correct answers? Okay, now let's do a listening activity. in the Brazil, Betty and daming are talking about their house problem。 Plums now listen and check what's wrong with them.



《10 M4 Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer.》.doc
