八年级 · 英语 · 外研社版 · 下册

7 M3 Unit 1 Has it arrived yet


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京市第四中学的程立春老师,很高兴和大家在一起。今天我们一起学习的内容是外研版初二英语下册模块3。第一单元。模块 3 的主题是 journey to space 太空之旅。在这个模块中,我们不仅会学习一些太空知识,还会了解一些人类在太空探索领域取得的成就。第一单元的标题是 has it arrived yet。本课是一节听说课,下面我们开始今天的学习。

  老师:here is a picture of the solar system 太阳系,这是以太阳为中心并受其引力维持运转的天体系统。 its beautiful isnt。 Our home, the earth, is only one of the heavenly bodies in the soul.


  老师:In the solar system, there is one star circled by eight planets, and there are many satellites. The sun is a star that gives us heat and light. The planets have no light of their own. They go around the sun and shine by reflecting the light of the sun. Satellites move around planets. For example, the moon goes around the earth.

  老师:在太阳系中,太阳是发光发热的恒星star, 8 颗行星围绕着太阳系运动,自身不发光,却能反射太阳光。行星 planet 另外还有很多的卫星围绕着行星运转,比如月亮,就是围绕地球公转的卫星satellite。月亮moon, they ate planets in the solar system in order from the closest to the sun to the farthest away are mercury, Venus earth Mars,Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus and Neptune。 8 颗行星按照距离太阳从近到远的顺序,分别是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。这里我们拓展了一下相关词汇,同学们如果能记住最好,记不住也没关系,作为常识了解一下即可。现在请同学们打开课本,翻到第 18 页,让我们进入第一个听力。

  老师:in dialogue, one Lin and Tony are talking and listening to the radio now, listen to their dialogue and finish the following tasks,task, one listen and number the words as you hear them here are eight words please read after me earth, land message moon news planet reach scientist。


  学生:I'm really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. It's so exciting. Has the spaceship landed yet?

  学生:I don't know. Let's listen to the news on the radio and find out. We've just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasn't sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isn't any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find life on Mars and other planets.

  老师:Have you written down the numbers?

  老师:lets tag together, number one is earth 意思是地球 number two is land 着陆。 number three is news 新闻消息 number four is rich 到达抵达。 number five is message 信息 number six is scientist 科学家 number seven is moon 月亮 and number eight is planet。行星 have you got them all correct, in the dialogue。

  老师:Linlin and Tony are listening to the news on the radio. Listen again and answer the question. What's the news about? What's the news up?

  学生:I'm really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. It's so exciting. Has the spaceship landed yet?

  学生:I don't know. Let's listen to the news on the radio and find out. We've just had some news about the trip to Mars. The spaceship has reached Mars after a journey of eight months. It hasn't sent back any messages yet, but scientists are waiting. As we know, there isn't any life on the moon, but scientist


《7 M3 Unit 1 Has it arrived yet》.doc
