选择性必修第二册 ·英语· 北师大版

17 Unit 6 The Media_第3课时


  老师:Hello everyone, I'm Li Ping from Beijing Academy. Nice to meet you here. Today we are going to continue with our study of Book 2, Unit 5, the media questions about media. In this lesson, we are going to listen to a couple of listening texts to get to know how the internet has changed our life and the media. As we all know, the internet is one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century so far. It has greatly influenced our life and has brought a lot of convenience to our life. Before we come to the lesson, think about how the internet has changed your life. Who wants to share with us? Good. Excellent. Definitely. With the development of the internet, we can know what is happening around the world every minute by whatever we want. Watch our favorite movies without leaving our homes. Besides, the internet also has influence on the media. But how? For me, the internet has changed the media greatly. For example, we can play games, chat with our friends, watch our favorite movies, read magazines, etcetera. What do you think? Talk with your partners about this question.

  老师:In today's lesson, a professor has been invited to a program. The presenter has collected a number of questions from the website. What questions will the presenter ask the professor? And what are the professors answers? Let's get to know by listening. Remember to take notes while you are listening, if you find it hard to write down the whole thing, you can just write down the keywords or phrases. Very. Here we go.

  学生:Lesson 2,6.3.

  学生:And now it's time for ask the experts. Bar expert this week is Professor Jessop, a professor of media studies. Good to have you on our program, Professor Jessup. Thanks. May have collected a number of questions from our website. Here is the first question. Do you think the internet has affected traditional media news, for example?

  学生:Well, yes, absolutely. The internet has made a great impact on how news is produced. In the past, it was the newspaper editor who decided what was news and covered it. But now anyone can with the camera in our smartphones, we can make a recording of a high definition video of an event, upload it to the internet, and then people all over the world can see it. As a result, big media corporations are being cut out. Some sites are bringing the news directly from the people who are experiencing or witnessing it on the spot of a car accident, for example.

  学生:That's interesting. Just now you mentioned how the internet has changed news. Professor Jason, our second question is, how has it changed the way we use language?

  学生:Well, obviously the internet has introduced a lot of new words to our language. Who had heard of micro blogging before the internet? But more importantly I believe the internet has made media more


《17 Unit 6 The Media_第3课时》.doc
