必修 第三册 ·英语· 北师大版

28 Unit 9 Learning (8)


  老师:hi, everyone my name is lang jingjing。 I'm from No. 13 Middle School. I'm very excited to be with you. Today we'll learn Unit 9, learning the viewing workshop, the Dynamic Brain. We'll focus on how our brains work and affect our learning abilities. First, let's have a warm up.

  老师:There is an old saying in English, you can never teach an old dog new tricks. Do you know the meaning of it? Great. It means that it is very difficult to change a person's character or the way of doing things when they have been doing it the same way for a long time. So the saying in Chinese means, so do you think we can only learn certain topics at certain times? For example, is it possible for an adult maybe at the age of 30 or even 40 to learn a foreign language and why? No, I don't think so. Children have a good memory so they can learn a foreign language easily and quickly. However, for adults with memory fading, they have a lot of trouble making it. Here feeling may be a little difficult for you, so I'll help you. When something fades, it becomes less strong and disappears gradually. So if your memory is fading, it becomes worse and worse. However, some students may think it is possible.

  老师:There is an old saying, it is never too old to learn. As a result, however, ODR, you can acquire certain skills as long as you practice a lot from this sentence, we can guess the meaning of this proverb. It's never. never to old to learn in Chinese it means。

  老师:活到了,学到了, acquire means get。

  老师:Okay, now let's watch a video and find out the answers to the questions, can we only learn certain topics at certain times? And why?

  学生:Just as our bodies grow and develop, so do all our organs, including the brain. But what can science tell us about how different stages of brain development affect our ability to learn? To find out more about the development of children's brains, we visited Dr Fred of Birkebeck College London, a leading expert in the field, and asked him firstly about how we begin to learn.

  学生:Experience. Expectant learning is really the kind of learning that an animal or human does quite early on in development, for instance, around birth or a little bit afterwards. And this is a development that is relying upon features in the environment that you can reliably encounter. So for instance, you'll hear lots of different auditory frequencies, you'll get visual input, you'll get light input. And a developing system really relies upon this kind of low level perceptual input to kind of set up its circles. Experience dependent development, which is really what we think of as being most of the human experience, particularly in school age, is really the kind of learning that you do every day that reflects your experiences and actions as an individual.

  学生:So you fram


《28 Unit 9 Learning (8)》.doc
