必修 第三册 ·英语· 北师大版

26 Unit 9 Learning (6)


  老师:hello, everyone my name is Huang Yao im from Beijing number thirteen。 Middle School. Today, we will move on to Lesson 3, the secrets of your memory. Everyone has a brain and we are all curious about how it works. So let's move on to discover the truces about our memory.

  老师:First of all, I have a question for you. Which of the following things do you find easy to remember? Can you explain why? Are they names and faces or numbers? For example, telephone numbers? Passwords? All stories? What about facts and arrangements? A arrangement is a plan that you make so that something can happen. All things that happened long ago, all things that happened recently.

  老师:Take myself as an example. I find interesting stories easy to remember because they have vivid plots and they are often told again and again, especially stories that were told during my childhood. Childhood means the period of somebody's life when they are a child in Chinese Tongyan. But some of you may be very good at remembering numbers, while others may show a special talent in remembering arrangements. So what lead to all these differences, you may wonder. There are so many secrets behind all our differences in memory. We are all eager to figure them out. So if you were going to meet a memory expert, what questions would you ask him or her? Now, you can write down your questions on the worksheet. Actually, for this question, I have done a survey among 60 students in my school. The following are 5 connected questions. If they were going to meet a memory expert, over half of the students would ask the question, how to improve our memory? Are there any effective techniques? Technique here means a particular way of doing something.

  老师:Fangshi Fangfa. Another popular question is how often should I review the things I learn? Some students wonder how to gain a long term memory instead of a short term one. There are also students raising the question, why do some people have amazing memories? And some are curious to know why are some things difficult to forget. Are your questions among those five or you have your particular questions? Let's see whether we can solve some of them today. Now, please open your book and turn to page 58.

  老师:In the passage we are going to read today, memory expert Jemima Griyasnov answers some of the most common questions about memory. Let's read the test and find out whether the expert answers any of our questions. Ready? You can begin now. Okay, let's see whether the five questions are answered by a. our expert for question one how to improve our。 A memory, are there any effective techniques? Yes, because in paragraph 1, we can find the expression retailing events helps fix experiences in our memories. And in paragraph 3, we notice the expressions like timely


《26 Unit 9 Learning (6)》.doc
