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21 Lesson 16 My Favourite Animal


  老师:同学们好,我是北京市牛栏山一中实验学校的孙雪莲老师,很高兴又和大家见面了。今天我们将要一起学习北师大版初一英语下册 unit six lesson sixteen 买。

  老师:Favorite animal, boys and girls, do you like animals? What is your favorite animal? What is it like? Why do you like it? Look at this picture. This is my student Cindy. Her favorite animal is her dog, because she thinks her dog is very friendly. They get along very well with each other, like friends. Do you know the meaning of friendly? Very good.

  老师:Please read after me. Friendly. Friendly. There are many kinds of dogs. What do you think of this one? It's very cute. What does cute mean? Please read after me. Cute. Cute. What else can you say? Lovely. Very good. Please read after me. Lovely. Lovely. What about these 2 dogs? What do you think of them? Someone says they are interesting. What does interesting mean? You are right. Please read after me. Interesting, interesting. Look at this picture. What is the dog doing? It's taking care of a baby. What about this dog is helping a blind man. What do you think of these two dogs? They are very helpful and useful. What does help for me? You are right. What about useful? Please read after me. Helpful, helpful, useful, useful. How will you treat these friendly and helpful animals? You are so kind. We should treat them well and protect the animals and not hurt them. Look at this dog. Do you like it? Someone says yes, because it looks cute. Someone says no, because it looks ugly. Well, different people may have different ideas. Do you know the meaning of ugly? Yes. Toloda, please read after me. Ugly. Ugly. What do you think of this dog? I agree with you. It looks very dangerous. What should you do when you meet dangerous animals? We'd better stay away from them and not play with them in order not to be hurt. We have described the docs with different adjectives. Have you remembered them? What are they? You have a good memory. Please read after me. Friendly, friendly, cute, cute, lovely, lovely. Interesting. Interesting, useful, useful, helpful, helpful. Dangerous. Dangerous. Ugly. Ugly. What other adjectives do you know to describe animals? Excellent. We can say clever, beautiful, funny, and so on. You give so many good examples. Let's read them together. Clever, clever, beautiful, beautiful, funny, funny. Let's learn more about animals. What can you see in this picture? It's a giraffe. Please read after me. A giraffe. A giraffe. What can you see in this picture? There are many giraffes. Please read after me. Giraffes. Giraffes. Do you like them? What do they look like? How do you describe them? Very good. They have very long legs. They are tall and interesting. What can you see in this picture? A zebra. Please read after me. A zebra. A zebra. What about the picture on the right? There are two zebras. Please read a


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