七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 下册

16 Communication Workshop_第2课时


  老师:同学们好,我是北京市顺义区第五中学的毕翔宇老师。今天我们将继续学习初一英语下册第四单元 communication workshop 第二课时的内容。

  学生:OK。 Hey, boys and girls, do you still remember this travel agency poster? Yes. Last class we mainly talked about these four paragraphs on the poster. Can you remember what the paragraphs are talking about? Good job. The paragraphs are talking about some information about holiday destinations. Do you remember the structure of each paragraph? Okay, let's go over this paragraph together.

  学生:Spring is the best time to visit Wu Yuan in Jiangxi. The yellow flowers all over the hills make the villages look like a fairy tale world. You'll have free time to walk across the beautiful countryside and enjoy their famous tea.

  学生:The first sentence, spring is the best time to visit.

  老师:Wuyuan in.

  学生:Jiangxi. What information did you got? Yes, place and season. Then the yellow flowers all over the hills make the villages look like a fairy tale world. What does the writer tell us? Good reason. You have free time to walk across the beautiful countryside and enjoy the famous tea. What does the writer tell us in this sentence? Yes, activities. How does the writer describe the place? Good. The writer uses descriptive language. Then what about the tense?


  学生:okay, boys and girls what about your writing did you write all these points this is mikes writing now, lets read it together, the best time to visit 九寨沟 is October its not very hot and usually sunny, the lakes are very clear the trees with their green,yellow, orange and red leaves are so pretty you enjoy the beautiful mountains, trees and lakes there and youll have time to take a lot of photos what do you think of max writing does his paragraph?

  学生:talk about one place? yes what place is this paragraph talking about yes。

  学生:九寨沟 does he talk about the best season to go there yes, which season its autumn good but Mike doesnt write autumn in his paragraph how do you know autumn is the best season to visit 九寨,沟? yes from the first sentence he writes the best time to visit 九寨沟 is October October。

  老师:10 月是什么季节?是秋天。

  学生:and what a。 About the reason why autumn is the best time to visit jiujiao. How does Mike write? Good job. You found it is not very hot and usually sunny. A good weather will be a very good reason to go on a tour, right? Okay.

  学生:Does Mike write any other reasons? Good job. Here he writes. The lakes are very clear. The trees with their green, yellow, orange and red leaves are so pretty. Then what about the activities? Does Mike talk about the activities people will do there? Yes, he does. What activities will people do in jiujia? Go. Good job. People will enjoy the


《16 Communication Workshop_第2课时》.doc
