七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 下册

15 Lesson 12 Summer Holiday_第2课时


  老师:同学们好,我是北京市顺义区仁和中学的吴丽娟老师,很高兴又和大家见面了。今天我们将一起学习初一英语下册第4单元、第 12 课、第2课时的内容。

  学生:okay, boys and girls lets begin our class look at this postcard did you still remember it yes, whats the postcard about great its about tims plan for his summer holiday well, what is tims plan for his summer holiday? What is team going to do on his summer holiday did you still remember great.

  老师:He is going to learn Chinese.

  学生:For two weeks at a summer camp in China and go on a tour around the country with his parents how do you know that good job lets look here Tim is going to learn Chinese for two weeks at a summer camp, hes going on a tour around the country with his parents, when they are going on a tour around the country, where are they going and what are they going to do please read the postcard and underline their travel plan when you are reading, underline your answers okay boys and girls Tim and his parents are going on a tour where is their first stop.

  学生:北京 what are they going to do in 北京?

  学生:great Tim says we are going to visit the great wall and the palace museum in Beijing then, where are they going good job? Tim says then we are going to be in xian from July the twenty fourth to the twenty seventh, what is tims dad going to do in xian? yes tims dad says hes going to take lots of photos of the terry quarter warriors after that where are they going great? Tim says。

  老师:after that we are going to 九寨沟。

  学生:where is the last stop? yes sanya in sanya what is tims mom going to do good job? Tim says my moms going to spend a lot of time on the beach.

  老师:What about team what is Tim going to do in sanya. Yes Tim says.

  学生:Im going to swim in the sea every day.

  老师:同学们请仔细观察这些句子,他们有什么共同点吗?有同学说这些句子都包含了 b 攻兔结构是吗?还有同学说 b 攻兔后面加动词原形,是这样的吗?我们一起来看一下,第一句中 be going to 后面是什么词?动词原型visit。第2句中 b 公兔后面是什么词?动词原型b。第三句很好,毕供兔后面仍然是动词原形take。那么第4句有同学产生疑惑了,兔后面接的是九寨沟这个地点名词,而不是动词原形,这是为什么呢?因为这句话的时态是现在进行时,在现在进行时钟。当动词是一个表示位置移动的词,比如go,此时我们可以用现在进行时表将来,所以这个句子里勾出9,再勾是一个动词短语,大家继续看下一个句子,这个句子里包含逼宫兔了吗?包含了。那么 b 更柱后面是加动词原形吗?是的,这句话中动词原形是spend。

  老师:最后一句话也具有相同的特征吗?我们发现最后一个句子中, b 公兔后面也是动词原形, swing 很好。那请大家再想一想这些包含 b 宫兔结构的句子的含义,他们描述的事情都发生了吗?还没有发生。这些都是 Tim 和他父母对未来的计划。所以我们可以得出什么样的结论?很好, b 宫 to 后面加动词原形表示准备打算做某事。还有其他的发现吗?有同学注意到了 b 公兔在形势上的变化,那么都有哪些形势变化?我们发现 be going to 有are。

  学生:going to is going to 和 im going。

  老师:to 三种形式的变化。为什么会发生这些变化?很好,因为句子的主语不同,对应的 be 动词形式也不同。当句子主语是第一人称丹素时, be 动词形式是m。当句子足以是第三人称单素时, be 动词形式是is。当句子主语是第一人称复数、第二人称单数或复数第三人称复数时, b 动词形式是2。

  学生:do you understand now complete the tables with m is are is not or are not,okay? Boys and girls lets look at the first table together, i am going to have some food why.

  老师:Because i.当句子主语是第一人称单速时, be 动词形式是, am great last one he is going。

  学生:to have some food she is going to have some food, it is going to have some food。



《15 Lesson 12 Summer Holiday_第2课时》.doc
