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7 Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like_第2课时


  老师:同学们,大家好,我是北京市同文中学的付静老师,今天很高兴能跟大家一起继续学习初一英语。 unit one lesson two what do they look like 第二课时。

  老师:First, let's review the words of this lesson. Please read after me. Handsome. Handsome. Pretty. Pretty. Short. Short. Strong. Strong. Thing. Thing. Young. Young. Now, could you please match the opposite words? The first one is old. What's the opposite of old? Yes, it's young. What about tall? Yes. The opposite word is short. What about small? Good. It's big. The last one? Strong. Okay? The opposite word is saying. Good. Here are 2 sentences. Please choose the correct word in each sentence.

  老师:Number one, she's so handsome or pretty. Number two, he's a handsome or pretty young man. For number one, which one do you want to choose? Yes, we should choose pretty because she is a girl. We also use pretty to describe the girl. What about number two? Yes, we should choose handsome because he is a man. We often use handsome to describe the man. Now let's review the text. Please read aloud with the recording. Are you ready? Let's go exercise for listen.

  学生:And read aloud. This is my grandpa. He's old, but he thinks he's young. He has a big pet dog. The dog's name is darting. This is my cousin Lin Lin. She's pretty and clever. She's the class leader. She's very good at singing too. This is my brother Darway. He's tall and handsome. He's a basketball fan. He really likes Yao Ming. He likes books too. This is my mom. She's an art teacher. She's also a very good cook. That's our dinner. We have it at 7 in the evening.

  老师:Yum. Excellent. Please pay attention to some language points in the text. Now let's have a look. number one, what do they like?

  老师:意思是他们喜欢什么?这里 like 作为动词表示喜欢。而 what do they look like 意思是他们长得什么样。这里 look like 用来指人的外貌。这里的 like 是介词,译为像 lets look at the example what does Linda look like?琳达长得什么样?我们该怎样回答?让我们一起来看一看。

  老师:shes tall and she has long black hair。

  老师:她高高的个子,留着长长的黑发。所以需要特别提醒同学们的是, like 和 look like 的回答方式是不同的。

  老师:number two, shes pretty and clever, hes tall and handsome。

  老师:这里需要再次强调的是, pretty 通常用来形容女孩, handsome 通常用来形容男孩。

  老师:just now we have reviewed the text now i want to check your memory can you remember these answers number one, what pet does grandpa have yes, he has a dog, number two whats the dogs name?yes, the dogs name is da din。

  老师:同学们已经观察到了,在 dog 之前,我们有的时候用了a,有的时候又用了the,这是为什么呢?今天我们就来一起学习一下有关冠词的用法。

  老师:please read after me articles articles。

  老师:首先,我们要知道,英语有两种冠词,分别是不定冠词和定冠词。一、不定冠词有或安用在以辅音开头的单词前,例如, a cat, a university an 用在以元音开头的单词前,例如, an apple, an hour, an interesting book。接下来我们了解一下不定冠词的用法。不定冠词用于修饰单数。可数名词可以表示以下意思,一表示一个,例如, there is an apple on the table my grandpa has a little dog。表示某个不具体,指某个人或某物。例如, please pass me a pen, a young man wants to see you 3。表示某种类别或类型,例如, HES an American, a rose is a flower。



《7 Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like_第2课时》.doc
