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7 Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like_第1课时



  老师:unit one lesson two what do they look like?

  老师:第一课时 please look at the picture what can you see in the picture?

  老师:yes, you can see many people and theyre different right can you guess what were going to talk about yes, youre so clever we are going to talk about different people and we will also learn how to describe the people here, describe means。

  老师:描述,形容,描绘, please read after me describe describe now please look at the picture and the keywords try to describe the people in the picture for example, picture a what can you see from this picture?

  老师:yes we can see a boy and a girl what do they look like is the girl big or is the boy big? what do you think yes the girl is small shes small what about the boy? yes the boy is big hes big so picture a shes small and hes big right please read after me shes small and hes big, good picture b what can you see from this picture? yes we can also see a boy and a girl is the girls small or is the boy big? no we cant see then what do they look like do you think the girl is pretty? yes shes pretty pretty here means。

  老师:漂亮的标志的 lets read pretty pretty what about the boy do you think the boys handsome?

  老师:yes, i think so hes handsome means。

  老师:英俊的 lets read handsome so picture b shes pretty and hes handsome please read after me, shes pretty and hes handsome lets look at picture c what can you see from this picture okay, we can see a woman and a boy what do they look like?

  老师:what do you think is the woman old? yes shes old what about the boy hes small? yes we can also say hes young here young means。

  老师:年轻的 lets read young so pictures c shes old and hes young please read after me shes old and hes young, well done lets move on to picture d the last one what can you see from this?

  老师:picture okay we can see two men what do they look like theyre different right? what do you think of picture one is he small yes, hes small we can also say hes short means。

  老师:个子矮的,短的 lets read short short what else is he strong i think so hes strong too here strong means。强壮的,强健的 lets read strong what about picture two is the mentor?

  老师:yes, hes tall what else is he strong no hes not strong hes thin thing means。

  老师:瘦的,薄的细的 lets read。 Thing, picture d. He's short and he's tall. He's strong and he's thin. Please read after me. He's short and he's tall. hes strong and hes thin very good。 Now let's read this new words again. Handsome. Pretty. Pretty. Short. Short. Strong. Strong thing. Thing. Young. Young. Okay. Here are 4 photos and 4 paragraphs. Let's read the descriptions and match them with the photos. Here description means miaoshu, miaoxia. Before matching, let's see the photos first. What can you see? Yes, we can see a boy, an old man, a lady and a girl. What abo


《7 Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like_第1课时》.doc
