九年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 全一册

6 Lesson 5 The Book Club_第2课时


  老师:同学们好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的胡柳老师。今天我们将一起学习北师大版初三英语全一册第二单元 lesson five the book lab 的第二课时。

  老师:im a very good。 Lie to see you again. Can you remember what we have Learned in the last lesson? First, let's review the words. Please read after me. Quotation. Quotation. Inspire, inspire, inspiring, inspiring, form, form, need, need. Continuing, continuing, advantage, advantage, well known, well known, period. Period. Depend, depend, depend on, depend on. A world of, a world of good. That's a review for the words in the last lesson. Now let's play a matching game. Can you remember the Chinese meanings of these words? Please try to match the words with their meanings. First, let's read the words. Quotation, quotation, well known, well known, inspiring, inspiring, form, form, advantage, advantage, continuing. Continuing, well. What does quotation mean? Yes, Yanyu. How about well known? Is it Yoshi or is that Zhu Ming? The good. It's zhuming. The next. What is the Chinese meaning of inspiring? Great. Inspiring means. From the Zhong Wen, Yang Cheng. Do you know advantage. Does it mean you should? Right? It means you. Shi. Continuing. Shiju. Have you got the correct match? Very good. Now, let's review the dialogue. Please read aloud along the recording.

  学生:Hello, everyone. I'm your host, David Newton, and welcome to the book Club. Today, we're going to discuss how important reading is. Our guests today are well known writer Sandra White and English teacher Doctor Peter Johnson. Welcome to the show.

  学生:Thank you. It's great to be here. Thanks.

  学生:I remember the famous American writer Mark Twain once said the man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. What do you think, Peter?

  学生:That's true. Twain was a very wise man. Now, I think we forget that there was a time when fewer people knew how to read and write. Now reading is something everyone does. There's a world of wonderful books out there, old books, new books, B books, it doesn't matter. They can all help people learn.

  学生:Well, not all books help people learn. Good books do.

  学生:How do we know if we're reading a good.

  学生:Book or not? What is a good book?

  学生:Well, it depends on what you're looking for. But one thing is clear, good books are inspiring. A lot of famous people who achieved great things were inspired by a certain book during a key period in their life, usually when they were young.

  学生:Right now, I remember the famous British science fiction writer Martha C. Clark once said, I'm rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books.

  学生:That's very interesting. And.

  老师:perfect 同学们在今天的学习中还有一些语言知识需要我们去关注,下面就让我们一起来总结和梳理一下。

  老师:Let's focus on some language points. Let's have a look at this s


《6 Lesson 5 The Book Club_第2课时》.doc
