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5 Lesson 4 Animal Talk_第2课时



  学生:i m very glad to。 See you again. In this lesson we will continue learning. Unit 2. Lesson 4, animal talk 1st. Let's review the words. Do you still remember these words? Let's read them together. Blog, postcard, body language, sign language, email, mobile phone, letter, text message, face to face. Okay, now open your book, turn to page 88. Let's finish exercise B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Let's read the words again. Log, postcards, body language, sign language, emails, mobile phones, letters, text messages, face to face. Good. Now use the words to complete the sentences. Let's do it one by one. Number one, he is looping away from us. You can see by his what that he is bored here. He is looking away from us. This is a kind of body language, right? So you can see by his body language that he is bored.

  学生:Number two, it's great to have a what conversation with somebody. You can see how a person is feeling when you talk. So that should be a face to face conversation, right?

  学生:Number three, she can't speak, so she uses what to communicate with others? Yes, sign language. Number four, on holidays, it's fun to send what? People can see where you are. Yes, postcards. Number five, my brother has a, yes, vlog so he can write about his favorite sports team. Number six, long ago people used to write long letters. Now they send emails from their computers. Good. Number seven, a lot of teenagers communicate with friends by sending, yes, text messages on their mobile phones. Great, we have completed all the sentences. You've done a great job. Now let's read these sentences together. He is looking away from us. You can see by his body language that he is bored. It's great to have a face to face conversation with somebody. You can see how a person is feeling when you talk. She can't speak so she uses sign language to communicate with others. On holidays, it's fun to send postcards so people can see where you are. My brother has a blog so he can write about his favorite sports team. Long ago, people used to write long letters. Now they send emails from their computers. A lot of teenagers communicate with friends by sending text messages on their mobile phones. Okay, you've done a good job then. Do you remember the text we read about animal communication in the last lesson? Shall we read it again? Let's read it aloud. Animal talk. My dog is in the garden. He is wagging his tail. His mouth is open and he is looking at me. What is he trying to tell me? Jane Robert's reports.

  学生:People have always been interested in animal communication and scientists have done a lot of research on this subject. Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs are famous for this. When a dog walks outside, it learns about other dog


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