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10 Lesson 8 Olympic Winners_第2课时



  老师:i m very happy to see you in this class well, go on learning uni three lesson eight Olympic winners period two now lets get started first, lets review the words please read with me Olympic Olympic weight lifting weightlifting house riding, athlete national competition champagne, champion very good can you remember these meanings now lets play a matching game please match your words with their meanings the first one, what is Olympic?

  老师:yes, it is 奥林匹克运动会的 what does white lifting mean it means you are right?举重 house riding means right it means 骑马 do you remember the word athletes yeah it means。运动员 what about the world national which meaning does it match with yes it means 国家的,民族的。

  老师:And do you know what competition means, right? It means jingzheng. Beside, what about the last one? Champion. It means, yes, it is guanjun. Well done. You have a really good memory. Now let's review the text with the recording.

  学生:The oldest and the youngest. The oldest athlete was 67 year old Hiroshi Hoketsu. He is a horse rider from Japan. He competed in the 1964 Olympics. The youngest athlete, however, was only 12 years old. Her name is Antoinette Guidea and she is a swimmer. She began swimming at the age of 8 and became a national champion in two years. The tallest and the shortest. The tallest athlete was Yao Ming. The basketball player from China is 2.29 meters tall. The shortest athletes were dongling and Wang Sin. The gymnast and the diver were about 1.36 meters tall during the 2008 Olympics.

  学生:The highest and the longest jumps, Russia's Andre Silnov won the gold medal in the men's high jump competition. He jumped 2.36 meters. Morren Higger Maggie from Brazil won the women's long jump with a jump of seven point naught, four meters.

  学生:The heaviest and strongest, Matthias Steiner from Germany won the gold medal for weightlifting. He was in the heaviest group, weightlifters, heavier than 105 kg. So he was certainly the strongest and heaviest man.

  老师:Okay, just now we read a sentence in the text. she began swimming at the age of eight。 What is the meaning of at the age of? At the age of means.

  老师:Liu. He could play the violin at the age of five. She became a nurse at the age of 23. Class. Do you remember the athletes in the texts? Yes. They are Hiroshi Hokaisu and Toilet Grady.

  老师:姚明邓玲玲 andrej sealov and so on what do they all have in common right they are all athletes?

  老师:what about Yao Ming hes an athlete what sports does he plays basketball so he is a basketball player now, lets look at the table there are two columns sports and athletes a person who plays basketball is a basketball player, how about horse riding swimming white lifting diving please try to complete the world builder okay, lets check together


《10 Lesson 8 Olympic Winners_第2课时》.doc
