八年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

3 Lesson 3 The Big Game_第2课时


  老师:同学们,大家好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的张硕老师。今天我们继续学习北师大版八年级,上第一单元第三课 the big game。

  老师:Period 2. Now let's start our lesson 1st. Let's review the words and phrases we Learned in Lesson 3. Let's read them together. Kick. Kick. Go. Go. Field, field. Pass, pass. Basket, basket. Hit, hit. Court, court. Foul, foul. Fit, fit, kid, kid. Cool, cool. Shame, shame, complain, complain. Now let's review the phrases. Make a basket, make a basket, score a goal, score a goal. In top form. In top form. So much for this. Now I have a question for you. How do you remember words today? I'll tell you a small strategy. Match the words from the text with the correct sport. Some may match more than one. Now let's look at the first group together. Which word goes to basketball? Yes. When we talk about basketball, we can use basket, foul, and court. So here we can write basket, foul, court. How about tennis? When we talk about tennis, we can use hit, foul, match, and court. So here we should write hit, foul, match, and court. Okay, let's come to the last group, football. When we talk about football, we can use the word kick and go. foul match and field yes。 So we should write cake? go fowl match and field。 Hope my way of remembering words can help you. Now, let's review the dialogues together. Dialogue one.

  学生:Look at the speed of hill as he runs down the field with the ball. Can you believe that? He's extremely fit this season. Do you agree?

  学生:Certainly. And think about this. His foot was hurt last year and he was out for two months. It's just fantastic.

  学生:And he passes the ball to Mccall and it's a goal.

  老师:Wow, what a great kick it was. Perfect dialogue, too.

  学生:Wilson is going to make a basket and it's in. That's another two points for just. Wait, it's a foul. Are you kidding me.

  学生:Right? You are, Dan. That was a bad call. It was clearly a basket. But now the Lions will not get those 2 points. As you can hear, their fans also think it was a terrible call.

  学生:What a shame. They should complain about that one.

  老师:Dialogue 3.

  学生:And there they go. Chambers hits the ball to the back of the court. Lister is running.

  学生:Look at that speed. She's really in top form.

  学生:Today. And it's back to chambers. She's also in top form.

  学生:How exciting. This is going to be a great.

  老师:Batch. Now let's look at two sentences in this lesson. Number one, he's extremely fit this season.

  老师:这个赛季他身体非常健壮。本剧中 season 指赛季。 season 有特定的时期的含义,例如, the rainy season,雨季。

  老师:it is the season for fishing。


  老师:number two are you kidding me?

  老师:你在和我开玩笑。 kid 用作动词译为耍弄,开玩笑,多用于口语。例如, you are kidding。你在开玩笑吧? no kidding 别开玩笑。

  老师:have you noticed these sentences in the dialogues in English we call that exclamations and in Chinese, they are called。

  老师:感叹句 now lets rea


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