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5 Lesson 4 Class Projects_第1课时


  老师:同学们大家好,我是来自北京景山学校远洋分校的高静老师,很高兴能和大家一起学习。 unit two lesson four class projects 第一课时, lets look at the pictures what are they doing great in the first picture?

  老师:they are acting in a play in the second picture they are playing musical instruments here musical means。

  老师:音乐的 please read after me musical instrument means。乐器 please read after me, instrument what about the last one nice they are playing chess play, it can be a noun and it means。戏剧 for example acting in a play it can also be a verb it means var such as playing musical instruments or playing chess, what about these two pictures what are they doing youre right the first one they are doing a class project。他们正在做一个班级项目。

  老师:how about the second one what are they doing great? they are doing a sons experiment its a non it means。

  老师:实验试验 lets read it。

  老师:Together doing a science experiment. Doing a science experiment. From the pictures, we can see a group of people are working together to do something. we can say they are in a team how about teamwork。 It is related to team. So what does teamwork mean? That's right. It means the activity of working well together as a team.

  老师:In Chinese, Xiatong Hezhou Peihe, please read after me. Teamwork. Teamwork. Is teamwork important for acting in a play or playing chess? Well done. We can see teamwork is very important for acting in a play, but it is not so important for playing chess. So teamwork is very important for some of the activities, but not for all.

  老师:Is teamwork important for doing a class project? I agree with you. Teamwork is very important for doing a class project. Let's look at another class project. In order to finish it, we need to work as a team first. Then we also need some materials and objects. Material is a noun. It means CAI Liang. Object is a noun too.

  老师:it means 物品东西目标。

  老师:What materials and objects can you see in the picture? Yes. paper and pencils paper means 纸张 please read after me material, object paper there are different kinds of class projects at school, such as making a model of a building what can you use to make a model of a building good job? we can use glue wood and metal glue means 胶水儿 sometimes we can use glue to join wood and metal together wood means。木头 its a kind of material when it is used to make things with metal means。

  老师:金属 please read after me glue wood wood metal how about this class project making musical instruments its amazing isnt it, what can you use to make musical instruments we can use bottles such as plastic bottles plastic is a non it means。

  老师:塑料 bottle is a non too it means。瓶子 please read after me plastic bottle lets move on to another class project making a film what can you use to make a film?

  老师:we can use a video camera we can also use a camera means。

  老师:照相机 please


《5 Lesson 4 Class Projects_第1课时》.doc
