三年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

23 Unit 5 My Things Lesson 3 Have Fun


  老师:Hello children, welcome to my class. I'm your English teacher, Miss Sue. Today we will learn Unit 5, my things, Lesson 3. Have fun. Please open your booth and turn to patch 54 and 55.

  老师:首先是这节课的学习目标,通过借助故事插图、挖空文本配音等方式复习重点句型复述故事主要内容分角色表演故事。在游戏情境中指认说明文具和日常用品, pencil boss bag, Korean Ruler computer, toy car 等,并运用本课所学知识介绍朋友的文具和物品。通过对事物的观察获取相关信息,进行比较和判断分析,懂得从不同角度观察周围的事物。

  老师:firstly lets play a game。

  老师:请同学们认真观察以下物品 3 秒钟,然后告诉老师哪个物品消失了。

  老师:are you ready go? whats missing do you remember? bingo a toy car? are you right? one more time? whats missing?aurula?great? whats missing? a crayon wonderful now? lets try again? whats missing? a pencil? boss excellent? whats missing? a pixel congratulations? whats missing? a bag? whose bag is it, yes its mockys bag do you remember when we have learned last class?

  老师:同学们,你们还记得上节课关于 Moki 的故事吗? Lets review together.

  学生:Mom this is mocky hello mocky. That, who's he? He's my father. That's his dog. Oh, my toy car. No, it's not your toy car. It's my pencil box.

  学生:Kate. This is Markey. A bike. Can I have a try? Sure. Be careful.

  老师:no after review lets do a practice。


  老师:She is my mother, thats her computer, who is hes my father, thats his dog, oh my bag.

  学生:No, its not your bag.

  老师:No, its not your bag its her bag, this time lets read the sentences with uncle booky.

  老师:接下来,我们跟着 uncle booky 一起来读一读这些句子。 Hes.

  学生:My father thats his dog, shes my mother thats her computer its not your bag hes he is shes she is.

  老师:接下来给同学们一个小任务,请你们任选以下一至两幅图,跟你的小伙伴一起看。画面配音, i think you will do well。你们可以按一下暂停键,完成任务后再继续播放。那我们现在来看一下其他同学的完成情况。

  学生:oh my toy car, no its not your toy car its my pencil box,Kate, this is smoky, a bike can i have a try。

  老师:同学们,这是 Moki 昨天发生的事情,那今天它又将发生什么有趣的事情呢?

  老师:today is school open day, Ken and Anne are showing monkey around their school? what will moki find in the classroom? lets listen carefully? whats this a pencil bus? no its a book? whats this a toy car? no its a pencil boss so Moki have found a book and a pencil boss what about you?

  老师:刚刚 Moki 发现了两样物品,你们能帮 MONKEY 发现其他的物品吗?请仔细的观察以下的图片,并试着像 Mocky 和 Ken 那样与你的小伙伴交流一下。你们可以按一下暂停键,完成任务后再继续播放。

  老师:wow, good job you have found so many things, but who things are these。

  老师:你们帮 monkey 发现了这么多物品,但这些又是谁的?我们一起来听听看。请同学们完成书本第一部分的练习。

  学生:This is Tom thats his crayon, this is Lisa thats her pencil box this is Ben thats his bag, that is Peter thats his computer that is Molly thats her pencil.

  老师:Have you finished lets check the answers together, this is toms crayon, this is lissas pencil boss, this is bens bag, this is Peters computer, this is Molly Spencil are you right.

  老师:这些是 Ken 同学的物品,那你身边的朋友有什么文具或者个人用品? please share with others after class 请你们课后也跟其他的同学分享一下。 now lets watch a video together 接下来,我们一起来观看一个视频,看看其他同学是怎


《23 Unit 5 My Things Lesson 3 Have Fun》.doc
