三年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

9 Unit 2 Friends Lesson 4 Get It Right


  老师:by seconds welcome to my class today we are going to learn unique two friends listen for catch it right。

  老师:在上课之前,请同学们准备好英语书本学习用具。希望通过这节课的学习,我们能够熟读出字母e,f,g,h, i 以及规范书写,并且能够朗读 e 字母e,f, g h i 为首字母的单词,并了解字母在单词当中的发音。

  老师:before least lets enjoy a song, a b c d e f g a, b b c d e z g。

  老师:叉叉 k l m o p RNN,why?

  老师:GPT? f GF a b c d e f g do you remember? a b c,d。

  老师:请同学们把大写字母,小写字母以及相关的单词连一连, can you?

  老师:Big a small a apple, big bee small bee book, sea small sea, e small d dog we are down now lets change a.

  学生:Apple, b b.波波 book c cake cake。迪迪的dog。

  老师:wonderful, now look at this picture what can you see in the picture? there is a girl shes wearing a red hat there are some eggs in the tree, there are some flowers and the tree today is very hot, she wants to eat the ice cream,yes, we can see flowers,flowers,AA。

  老师:这 5 个单词分别以字母f,e,r, g 为开头,请同学们根据 26 个英文字母表的顺序,把它们重新排一排。

  老师:Wow, so cool now please read together.

  学生:Eggs and flowers girl and hat ice tea girl and hat eggs and flowers ice cream, yummy ice cream.

  老师:Legal is going to find her friend this is moki and this is Danny deer.


  老师:now here bigger, elephant elephant,fire,fire,goat,goat,hand,screen,screen。

  老师:大家有注意到这些字母在单词当中的发音吗? now please read after the video, elephant fire 发 fire coat, goat hand how?screen?scream, window letter e south elephant a bag,red, letter f south,flowers,fire,food,finger, letter g 嗓子哥,哥girl,哥goat,gate,good, better age, south ha,paint,hello,P, letter i sauce i, high high, i kite i bike。

  老师:上个单元我们已经熟悉了四线三格的书写格式,接下来我们将要介绍EF,g,h, i 在四线三格上的书写。 first letter e,大写字母 e 占的是一二,两格由三笔完成。one,two, three 要注意第三笔要写得稍微短一些,小写的字母 e 占满第二格由一笔完成。

  老师:let f,大写的 f 由三笔弯成,也是占一二两格。one,two,three,小写的 f 由两笔完成,占的是 1233 格。letter,g,大写字母 g 占一二,两格由 3 笔完成。one,two,three,小写字母占个诗二三,两格由两笔完成。 one 去。 to age 写的 h 占一二两格,由 3 笔完成。第一笔竖,第二笔也是竖,第三笔横小写的 h 占一二两格,由两笔完成。 one ChatGPT, letter i,大写字母 i 占一二,两格,由 3 比完成。 one two three 小写字母也是占一二两格。要注意,咱们书写的时候先写第2格的数,再写点。同学们你们可以在自己的练习本上试一试。下面我们伴随着节奏来感受一下字母与单词之间的魅力。e。

  学生:e e e e for eggs e for elephant eggs elephant f f f f for flower f for fire, flower fire 猪 gee for girl gee for goat girl goat a。

  学生:H, h 4 hat. H4 hand, head, hand. I. i i for i。 I for ice cream. Ice cream.

  老师:So now. eyes you did a good job。


  老师:heres todays homework, thing thank you for your listening。


《9 Unit 2 Friends Lesson 4 Get It Right》.doc
