六年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:Hello boys and girls. Welcome to our English class. I'm Max. How are you today? I'm doing great. Today we will learn more about the 12 birth year animals. Are you ready? Let's begin. Let's review first. Look at the picture. What did they talk about last lesson? Yes, they talked about the 12 birth year animals. How often does each animal come around? Yes, every 12 years. Look, these are the animals. The first is the rat. What about others? Can you do it? Okay, let's have a look together. The second is the ox. The third is the Tiger. The fourth is the rabbit. The filth is the Dragon, the six and the snake. The seventh is the horse. The eighth is the sheep. The knife is the monkey. The tenth is the rooster. The eleventh is the dog. The twelve is the pig. Are you right? Great job.

  老师:This is the order of the 12 birth year animals. Read after me, please. Order. Order. It means Xuan Shi. I have a question for you. Why did the rat come first of the 12 animals? Have a think. Okay, let's start our learning today. Look at this picture. Who do you see? Yes, we can see Sarah and Yang. What else? Yes, we can see the 12 birthday animals. So what are they talking about? Make a guess. Now. Let's listen.

  学生:Who decided the order of the birth year animals? Yang, Yang.

  学生:That's a good question. There are many different stories about it.

  学生:Please tell me one of them.

  学生:In one story, the Jade Emperor held a swimming race to choose animals for the names of the years. Those 12 animals were faster than others.

  学生:Which animal was the first of the twelve?

  学生:It was the rat.

  学生:Then the Jade Emperor decided to name a year after each of them. The rat starts the cycle.

  学生:You are right.

  老师:Okay, now can you tell me the answer? What are they talking about? Yes, they are talking about a story about the birth year animals. I have two questions for you. Number one, who decided the order of the animals? Number two, what happened in the story? Now let's listen again.

  学生:Who decided the order of the birth year animals? Yang, Yang.

  学生:That's a good question. There are many different stories about it.

  学生:Please tell me one of them.

  学生:In one story, the Jade Emperor held a swimming race to choose animals for the names of the years. Those 12 animals were faster than others.

  学生:Which animal was the first of the twelve?

  学生:It was the rat.

  学生:Then the Jade Emperor decided to name a year after each of them. The rat starts the cycle.

  学生:You are right.

  老师:Now. Can you tell me the answer, number one, who decided the order of the animals? Yes, it's the Jade Emperor. Read after me. The Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor. It means Yu Huang da di. Number two, what happened in the story? Yes, the Jade Emperor held a swimming race. I have two more questions f


