六年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:hi boys and girls welcome to our class im miss Yang im from 昌平城北 central primary school。

  老师:Today we are going to talk about a new picture book. By the end of the class, you will understand the story and you will be able to predict with the connection between ships.

  老师:and things 在这节课,你会了解一个非常有趣的故事,并且知道如何运用事物和图形的联系进行预测。

  老师:So please get your things ready. Let's get started. Look at the cover. Which part? attracts you firstly,哪部分最先吸引你?

  老师:the part of words, the picture or the model?


  老师:Maybe this part attracts you. Firstly, the title tells us Joseph is the main character. He had a little overcoat, so maybe this book is going to mainly talk about his little overcoat. Seems tea bag is the author and illustrator. He made this book from a Yiddish folk song. And maybe some of you are attracted by the picture. We see Joseph had a rooster and a duck. So guess what was his job? Yes, maybe he was a farmer. And look here. What are they? Fantastic. They are holes. Joseph seemed very poor, right?

  老师:Okay, maybe some of you are attracted, but this might do. What is that? Yes, it is the code called medal. Have you ever heard about it? It is the most prestigious American children's book award.

  老师:But how can this book get this medal? There are many reasons. I can give you a tip about one of them. Please pay attention to his little overcoat. See, these holes are real. Yes, what an interesting designing. When you read this book, you will find more holes. But how can those help the book to get a very important medal? What about other reasons? After reading, you will find out the answer. Are you ready? Here we go. Joseph had a little overcoat.

  学生:Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn.

  老师:Okay. What do you know from the picture? Good. Joseph was on the farm. There were some animals and beautiful flowers. How was the little overcoat? Fantastic. Joseph used the patches to cover the holes, which means it was old and worn. If you were Joseph, what would you do? Will you throw little way? But now, Joseph, let's watch.

  老师:turn the page what do you find yes he made a jacket out of it how do you know that?yes, the die cut hole shows us。


  老师:And look, there were many people around Joseph. Where did he go? good job he went to the fire。 When you go to the fire, you can see a lot of people. You can buy a lot of things. Time passed. What happened to his little jacket? Let's guess. Look. Oh, it got old and worn. So what would Joseph do? Can we find a clue? Of course. That's the shape of a new hole. What could it be? Are you right? Let's check. Let's turn the page. What do you see? Yes, he made a vest out of it. What a clever idea. And look, what did Joseph do? Yes, he danced at his nephew's wedding and they were hav


