五年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 下册



  老师:Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to our English class. We have Learned three lessons of this unit, and today we are going to review this unit. Are you ready?


  老师:Let's look at a picture of a tomato plant. Please say the English for the different parts quickly. Yes. Flowers. You are right. What are these? These are leaves. What are these? Very good. These are fruits. What is this part? It's the stem. What are these? Very good. Roots. These are sees. What is this part? Yes, the trunk. You remember the English for the different parts of a plant? Very good.

  老师:Now let's play a guessing game. You are going to read some phrases. Please guess the missing letters. For example, what are the missing letters? Yes. The missing letters are I and O. Different jobs. Are you ready? Let's try together. The missing letter is you grow up to be plants. the missing letter is egg carry food and water, the missing letter is e on the earth。 the missing letters are o u and you without the sun, the missing letters are e i r their own leaves。 You can spell the words here. Great job.

  老师:Now we are going to look at the pictures of the different parts of plants. Please think about the job that each part has, and then say the answer out quickly and loudly.

  老师:What do roots do? Yes, they hold the plant in the ground. What do stems do? That's right, they carry food and water to the leaves. What do flowers do? Great. They make seas. What do leaves do? Good. Leaves make food for the plant. What about C's? What do seas do? They grow up to be new plants. What do trunks do? They hold the trees above the ground. You remember the jobs of different parts of plants. Great job.

  学生:同学们,通过刚刚的复习和回顾,你一定已经想起了有关植物各部分名称及作用的知识了。事实上,植物是我们生活中不可缺少的重要物质,没有植物,我们很可能无法生存,这是为什么呢?让我们听一听 Mike 羊羊和 Sarah 在谈论些什么吧。 Mike Yang.

  老师:And Sarah come to the Beijing Botanical garden. Look, we can see peach blossoms, new leaves and grass. Mike Yang and Sarah are coming. What are they talking about? Let's have a look. Please read and choose the right sentences and then complete the dialogue.

  老师:Are you ready? Let's read together. It's so beautiful here. Yes. When spring comes, the leaves and the grass will come out. Everything will be green again. That's right. Green leaves are like little factories. They make food for the plants. What do leaves need to make food? They need sunlight, air and water. Each part of a plant has a different job, really. What do flowers do? They make seas. So little seeds grow up to be new plants. Is that right? Yes. Roots hold the plants in the ground. They also get food and water from the soil. And the stems carry the food and water to the leaves.

  老师:That's so interesting. Can we live without plants? No,


