四年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:Hello, boys and girls. I'm Ada. Welcome to my class. Today we are going to learn Unit 5. Which kind would you like? Lesson 15. Firstly, let's sing a song together. Then tell me what is about. Let's go shopping. Let's go shopping. Let's go go shopping, you and me. Let's go shopping. Let's go shopping. Let's go go shopping, you and me.

  老师:The toy store, here we go. The supermarket, here we go. The bakery, here we go. Let's go shopping, you and me. Let's go shopping. Shopping. Let's go shopping, you and me. Let's go shopping. Shopping. Let's go shopping, you and leave. The candy store, here we go. The kit shop, here we go. The bookstore, here we go. Let's go shopping, you and me. Let's go shopping. Let's go go shopping. Let's go shopping, you and me. Okay, boys and girls. What is the song about? Yes, it is about shopping. Children. Where do we go shopping? We buy things in stores or buy things online. Look, what store is it? Yes, it is a stationary store. We can buy things like rulers, pencils and pencil sharpeners in a stationary store. What store is it? Yes, it is a shoe store. We can buy different kinds of shoes such as sneakers, sandals and boots in our shoe store. How about this store? You are right, it is a clothes store. We can buy t shirts, skirts or jackets. When you buy these things, how do you choose? Thanks for your sharing.

  老师:In this unit, we are going to learn how do we go shopping. I hope after this unit you have more ideas. Look at this picture. Who are they? Yes, mama and a seller in the store. What kind of store are they in? Yes, they are in the stationary store. Let's guess what Mama wants to buy. I agree with you. I think Mama wants to buy some good things, too. What school things does Mama want to buy? Let's watch the video and find the answer.

  学生:Can I help you?

  学生:Yes, I want to get a pen.

  学生:We have different kinds. Which kind would you like? This one? Looks.

  学生:Nice. What colors do you have?

  学生:We have black, blue, green and brown.

  学生:I will take a brown one.

  学生:That's a nice color.

  学生:I think. So.

  老师:Children, what does Mama want to buy? Yes, he wants to buy a pen. How do you know that? First, the seller says.

  学生:Can I help you?

  老师:And Mama answers.

  学生:Yes, I want to get a pen.

  老师:So Mama wants to buy a pen. Luck, there are many kinds of pens. So what does the seller say? Let's watch the video again and try to remember what the seller says and which kind Mama. Beth. Okay, let's watch.

  学生:Can I help you?

  学生:Yes, I want to get a pen.

  学生:We have different kinds. Which kind would you like?

  学生:This one looks nice.

  老师:What does the seller say? Good memories, she says. We have different kinds. Which kind would you like? Let's listen again.

  学生:We have different kinds. Which kind would yo


