一年级 · 英语 · 北京版 · 上册



  老师:hello, everyone im Alice welcome to my class today well, learn a new unit three how are you?


  老师:are you ready for our class here we go first lets enjoy a song, every day, i go to school i meet my friends and we all say。


  老师:in this song, we hear hello and how are you today well, learn to use how are you to grade our friends and family? our friends are greeting each other who are they are maomao and guoguo? where are they going?

  老师:他们将要去哪里?yes, they are going to the science museum 他们将要一起去科技馆参观。

  老师:in the morning, what can we say to greet our friends we can say hello hi, good morning how about mammao and guoguo how do they great?


  老师:lets listen and watch。

  老师:对母婴蝈蝈, how are you im fine thanks look at maomao how does he greet guo, let listen good morning。蝈蝈, how are you mama says good morning 蝈蝈, how are you?早上好。果果,你好吗?

  老师:please read after me good morning guoguo how are you good morning guoguo how are you so how is guoguo is she good? lets listen fine thanks yes she says im fine thanks guoguo is good she is fine, please follow me fine, I fine im fine thanks very good now lets do the role play。

  老师:让我们来分角色读一读。 i will be maomao, can you be guoguo lets go good morning guoguo, how are you fine thanks, this time lets change i will be 蝈蝈 can you be maomao, lets start morning。蝈蝈, how are you im fine thanks excellent, Mao and guo visit the science museum they are very happy。毛毛和果果在科技馆度过了愉快的一天。

  老师:time flies its time to go home。


  老师:what do they say to each other? yes youre right lets listen and watch。

  老师:白果果 goodbye maomao they say goodbye to each other please read after me goodbye, goodbye goodbye 郭 goodbye mama wonderful boys and girls, please open your English book tend to page twenty two。请同学们打开英语书,翻到第 22 页。

  老师:lets listen and read。 good morning。蝈蝈 how are you good morning 蝈蝈, how are you fine thanks im fine,thanks。白果果 goodbye 果果 bye mao goodbye, mao good job maomao and guoguo are very polite。毛毛和果果都是很有礼貌的孩子,见面主动问候,分手主动道别。我们应该像他们一样,争做懂礼貌的好孩子。

  老师:mamao and guo go back to their homes, look who is she yes she is guoguos, mom please read after me mom, mom mom。

  老师:同学们要注意结尾 m 这个字母的发音,嘴巴要闭紧。 mom says something to guoguo lets listen and watch, good evening guo, how are you today fine thank you mom her mom says evening 蝈蝈, how are you today good evening guo how are you today please follow me good evening guoguo, how are you today good evening guoguo how are you today guoguo is happy today, so she says hi, thank you mom can you read it fine thank you mom, what about maomao lets have a look?

  老师:who is she is that his mom no shes not his mom, she is his grandma please follow me 干嘛grandma?

  老师:Mao Mao is a polite boy he grapes hi


