选择性必修第四册 ·英语· 人教版

18 M7 Unit4 Writing


  老师:Hello students. Welcome back. Let's go on to study Module 7, Unit 4, writing. Our objectives for this period. 1. Read the dialogue of the interview. 2. Learn the writing style of the narration of a person for a school magazine. 3. Write another person narration passage by yourself. Part one, reading and listing writing topics. Jennifer is preparing her report for the school magazine, which is from the following interview of Doctor Murray. She wants to write the narration of Doctor Marie on each topic below in the order shown.

  老师:1. Who she is. 2. The reason why she joined MSF. 3. What she did in Malawi. 4. What she did in the Sudan. 5 the effects on her of her experiences. 6 her plans for the future. Jennifer Wells is interviewing Doctor Mary Murray who works for medicine sense frontiers. Now let's read the interview dialogue with listing the writing topics.

  学生:Good afternoon. I'm Jennifer Wells. And today on making a difference, I'm going to talk to Doctor Mary Murray who works for medicine song frontier. Welcome, Mary.

  学生:Thank you, Jennifer.

  老师:This is the topic, who she is.

  学生:Now please tell me why you decided to join MSF.

  学生:Well, while I was studying in Sydney during the 1980s, I got to know two Sudanese students and visited them in 1990. I became good friends with their families and decided to work in a health clinic in their country in 1992, for a couple of months there, I saw children with terrible diseases that could have been prevented. That's why I decided to work in developing countries.

  老师:This part is for the topic, the reason why she joined MSF.

  学生:I see in 1997, you joined MSF and went to Malawi. What did you do there?

  学生:Actually, in Malawi, I was working with Children Affect HIV AIDS. It was heartbreaking. Children died because we didn't have enough medicines.

  老师:This part is for topic, what she did in Malawi.

  学生:Oh, how sad.

  学生:Yes. But things gradually improved. Now there's treatment for HIV, which is showing very good results.

  学生:Excellent news. Then in 2001, you went back to the sedan again. Let's talk about your work there.

  学生:Well, the conditions were very challenging. It could be unbelievably hot, sometimes as hot as 56 degrees Celsius. But when the rains came, the roads became so muddy that we spent most of our time digging the car up. The clinics were just mad hurts and the only tools I had were a steep escape and my two hands.

  老师:This part is for the topic, what she did in the Sudan.

  学生:Goodness, a challenge indeed. 2 but it's amazing what you can do when you have no choice.

  学生:How do you think these experiences over the last few years have affected you?

  学生:Well, they make me grateful for what I have. I really enjoy my work because I feel I'm helping people who otherwise might no


《18 M7 Unit4 Writing》.doc
