选择性必修第四册 ·英语· 人教版

17 M7 Unit4 Listening


  老师:Hi everybody, welcome to the video listener listening and speaking of Unit 4 sharing, in today's class, you gonna listen to a text for some specific facts, taking notes and finding out the answers to some questions and then make up a dialogue of your own following the examples.

  老师:Now let's get started. Before listening comprehension, I want to show you a logo of an organization. Do you know what it is for? Look at the French words, medicine. Some fun here, it means doctors without borders. Now can you make a guess on what kind of organization it is? You may use MSF to stand for its long French name. Medicine some frontier is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries. As it is such an international organization, there must be many volunteers working for it. Just make a prediction about today's listening material. Yes, it's about a volunteer. It's an interview with Mary Murray, who works for the MSF. When a volunteer and a voluntary worker introduced what kind of information may interest others, what did she do? Where did she do her voluntary work? When and why did she start her homework and what she's going to do in the future? Or in other words, her plan for the future?

  老师:So when you start listening, focus on the information about when, where, why and what now. Please open your books and turn to page 35. Please go through all the expressions of time related to Mary Morris life and put them into correct order while listening for the first time. The listening has many examples of phrases that express time sequence. Listen to these expressions and number them in the other you hear them. Now let's begin.

  学生:Listening and speaking.

  学生:Listening. Text medicine San frontier. Jennifer Wells is interviewing Dr Mary Murray who works for Medicine San Hongjie, MSF. They use time expressions to talk about Mary's life. Listen to the tape and number the expressions in the order you hear them.

  学生:Good afternoon. I'm Jennifer Wells. And today on making a difference, I'm going to talk to Dr Mary Murray, who works for Medicine San Frontier. Welcome, Mary.

  学生:Thank you, Jennifer.

  学生:Now, please tell me why you decided to join MSF.

  学生:Well, while I was studying in Sydney during the 1980s, I got to know two Sudanese students and visited them in 1990. I became good friends with their families and decided to work in a health clinic in their country in 1992. For a couple of months there, I saw children with terrible diseases that could have been prevented. That's why I decided to work in developing countries.

  学生:I see. In 1997, you joined MSF and went to Malawi. What did you do there?

  学生:Actually, in Malawi, I was working with children affected with


《17 M7 Unit4 Listening》.doc
