选择性必修第四册 ·英语· 人教版

4 M7 Unit2 Reading and Writing


  老师:Hello everyone. Today we'll learn Unit 2, reading and writing. In this class, you will work out an outline of a biography, collect words and expressions to write a biography. Then write a biography. Please match the words in column a with the correct meanings in column B.

  老师:Now let's check the answer. Blood confusion, science fiction, stuff. Galaxy Xinxi in he, artificial intelligence, Yuan Gong Zunang. Well, chemistry. Receive awards. Huajia explanation, theoretical framework. As a result of. So we, in this class, you will read a biography of Isaac Esmob.

  老师:Here are some famous books written by him.

  老师:Please turn to page sixteen, read the passage and find out the main idea.

  老师:Now let's check the answer. The passage gives us an introduction of a famous American scientist and writer, Isaac. As more.

  老师:Now find out the main idea of each paragraph.

  老师:Now let's check the answer.

  老师:Now please turn to page seventeen. You can read the passage again and complete the timeline of the events in his life.

  老师:Now let's check the answer.

  老师:In 1922, his sister was born.

  老师:In 1923, he moved with his family to New York.

  老师:In 1929, he started working in candy store.

  老师:1931. In 1939, he began having stories published in science fiction magazines. In 1941, he gained master's degree in chemistry.

  老师:In 1942, he got married.

  老师:From 1942 to 1945, he worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard.

  老师:In 1948, he got PhD in chemistry. In 1949 he became a Belga Miss Chemistry teacher. Boston University School of medicine.

  老师:In 1950 he published his first novel published I Robot developed 3 laws for robots.

  老师:In 1953 he published first science book. 1958 he became a full time writer.

  老师:In 1973 he married for a second time.

  老师:In 1983 he had a blood transfusion, became infected with HIV and in 1992 he died in New York.

  老师:We have read the passage twice. Can you tell us what is biography?

  老师:Yes, it's a story of a person's life was written by someone.

  老师:In the biography of Isaac Esmall, the writer tells us a lot of information about him, life, birth and dies, education, job experience, achievements, awards and works, marriage. So we can make a conclusion that a biography should include, life, birth and death, family background, and a biography should also include education, big events in one's life and achievements. All evaluation.

  老师:Don't forget. Write a biography in time order. Now let's read and collect useful words and expressions that you can use to write a biography. So we'll read the passage again and find out the words and expressions. First, about life and family background, you can say someone was born and it ended in his life, ended in, mood to, he moved with his parents too. That's about his famil


《4 M7 Unit2 Reading and Writing》.doc
