必修 第二册 ·英语· 人教版

26 Unit5 Music Reading and Thinking_第1课时


  老师:Hello everyone. Welcome to my class. Today we'll go our study in Unit 5, Music, reading and thinking. In this class, you will identify the key elements of the virtual choir, figure out the timeline of Eric Vitka's lifetime. You will also retail the timeline Eric Vitker's lifetime. I ready? Okay, let's get started.

  老师:When it comes to music, what are the ways for people to experience music? At concerts, on TV, on radio, on the internet? With the development of the internet and computers, we have many different ways to experience music. But how can computers and the internet help us experience music differently? What's your opinion? Yes, computers and the internet can help us experience a wide range of musical styles. They can give us access to millions of songs for many different styles. They can help us create the sound of an orchestra, our home computer. They can also help us change music to something new. So we can see computers and the internet help us experience music differently.

  老师:Today, we'll read a text to see how computers and the internet change out the way we experience music. Before reading, please look at the picture and the title. Predict what the text will be about. Look at the picture. What is choir? In the picture, we can see a group of people singing together. So aquaya is he changtuan in Chinese, what is virtual?

  老师:Virtual means may to appear to exist by the use of computer software, for example, on the internet. So the virtual choir is an assembly of geographically dispersed singers performing coral works together through web technology. According to the title and the picture, can you predict what the text will be talking about? Yes, it may talk about the virtual choir. What aspects of the virtual choir may be talked about? What do you think maybe who can join the virtual choir, where you can join the virtual choir, what a virtual cry is, how you can join it, and why you do that.

  老师:Now, please read the text quickly to check your prediction and get the main idea of the text. Before reading, I like to give you one tip. When reading, please circle the keywords or top sentences of each paragraph. In this way, you can better get the main idea of the whole text, how you finish your reading and have you made a correct prediction.

  老师:Let's see it together. Look at the first paragraph. What is it talking about? In the first two sentences? Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone. You can do this in a virtual choir. Hundreds of other people, that is, who can join the virtual client at home alone. Yes, where you can do that in the sentence. You can do this in a virtual choir. This refers to the first sentence and tells us what a virtual quiet is. You have the


《26 Unit5 Music Reading and Thinking_第1课时》.doc
