必修 第二册 ·英语· 人教版

11 Unit2 Wildlife Protection Reading for Writing


  老师:Hello everyone. Welcome to my class. Today we'll continue to learn Unit 2, wildlife Protection. We'll focus on the section of reading for writing. First, let's take a look at our learning objectives in this class. You will write a 1 sentence summary for each poster, identify the features of the poster, and make an effective poster about an endangered animal.

  老师:Now let's get started. Look at the two posters. What can you see in the photos, right? The left one looks like a mouse and the right one is about colors. Well, what emotions do the photos communicate? Funny, surprising, frightening, sad or something else? For the left one, I think it is a little frightening. It doesn't look friendly and its teeth look sharp. And for the right one, I think it's a lovely picture. The colors are cute. They look soft and gentle. So if you have a chance to save one of them, which one would you like to choose? Can you tell me why?

  老师:Now please open your book and turned page twenty. Read the 2 posters and think about this question. What information do the posters involve, exactly? The posters involve the animal's present situation. The reason for that and the designers hope.

  老师:Now let's focus on the details. Please read posters again and complete the outline. Have you finished? Now let's have a look. The first one, what's the animals present situation? Right? Ugly animals are not treated equally as cute ones. And why is that? Because they are regarded as less cute. And how about the designer's hope? The designer hopes readers can consider ugly animals just as important as cute ones.

  老师:Now, let's look at the right one. So west animals present situation, right? A lot of animal homes are being destroyed. Why is that? Because billions of trees, which are animals homes, are being cut down every year. And how about the designer's hope? The designer hopes readers can be aware of the paper consumption. Okay, so what does each post mainly talk about?

  老师:Can you write a Wednesday summary for each poster? Well, how can we summarize each poster in one sentence? Great. We can focus on the keywords, which are what a designer wants to stress.

  老师:Okay, now let's look at left 1. Can you identify the keywords of it? Have you finished? Right. The keywords are ugly, white, life, Protection, species, treat equally important, less cute kinds and variety. Among these words, some appear many times. For example, we can see ugly related words like ugly las cute appear 4 times. And variety related words like species, kinds and variety appear three times.

  老师:Now we have picked out the keywords. Please organize these keywords and make a full sentence. Have you got it? Alright, so ugly animals are just as important as cute ones because nature need variety to function proper


《11 Unit2 Wildlife Protection Reading for Writing》.doc
