必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

34 U5 Listening and Speaking


  老师:Good morning, class. Today we are going to learn Unit 5, listening and speaking. In this class, you will learn, understand the listening tests. Learn the words about feelings. Try to describe an experience by using the words about feelings.

  老师:Class. Look at the pictures below and guess what problems volcologists have to face. Class. In these three pictures, we can see they are volcanoes and two people, they are doing research on the volcano. So the people are called volcanologists here. Let's listen and guess.

  老师:Let's have a look at the picture one by one. The first one, maybe the volcano has so much smoke that it is difficult for volcanoes to approach the creator. The word crater here means huashanko. Next picture, the lava has such a high temperature that it is difficult to collect sample. Lava here means Yanjiang. Sample means Yang Ben. Collect sample means shoji. Yang Ben. Picture three maybe. Active volcanoes are very dangerous and it is difficult to take measurements. Active volcanoes means huahuashan. Take measurements means, class. Let's go to the listening part. Your task is to listen to three votechnologists talking about their most frightening experience. Check if your guess is right and write the volcanologist names and the pictures. Class. These are the 3 pictures. Let's try to listen.

  学生:Forced myself to join the others. Hi, I'm Jane Small. I've been a volcanologist for five years, but I can still remember my first visit inside a crater? We were on top of an active volcano in Alaska. The experienced members of our group went immediately to the edge of the crater. I was so anxious and couldn't move at first. After a while, I forced myself to join the others. Then I got the courage to bend over the boiling lava and collect a sample. I became so excited that I forgot my fear. After that, I was never so frightened again, but I'm always careful.

  学生:Part two. Hello, I'm Frank Gore. I've been studying volcanoes for almost 10 years. My most frightening experience was while flying over a volcano in Hawaii. Suddenly, the clouds came down really low and our pilot couldn't tell where we were. We flew down below the clouds, very close to the volcano. We flew between the fiery red lava below and the thick, dark clouds above. I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic. I had never felt so happy as when I landed safely.

  学生:Part three. Good morning. I'm Sarah Tong. I've been examining volcanoes for over 20 years. I'll never forget the amazing experience I had on a volcano in New Zealand. I was down the crater taking measurement. Suddenly, the ground under my feet began to tremble. The trembling got stronger and stronger. And after a minute, some steam blew out of the ground. That's when I realized that the volcano was act


《34 U5 Listening and Speaking》.doc
