必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

32 U5 Vocabulary


  老师:hello, everyone today, well learn some new words and expressions in unit file, learning objectives in this class, we will learn some new words and expressions, grasp the usage of these new words and expressions, try to use the words and expressions in different context properly, please match the new words in column a with the correct meanings in column b,now, lets check the answer, now lets begin look at number one alongside, alongside 在某某旁边,沿着某某的边。

  老师:for example, the car was parked alongside the road and struck by a thief, here alongside means beside, alongside 父子在旁边沿着编。 for example, the boat pulled up alongside, alongside means a side, number two,appoint, appoint 及物动词表示任命,指派委任。

  老师:For example, they appointed him to be chairman of WBO. They appointed him as chairman of WBO. Appoint somebody to be.

  老师:oh appoint somebody ass 表示任命某人为, appoint 约定指定。

  老师:Let's appoint a day to have dinner together. Appointment Yuehui, the mean Mingfu. Make an appointment with Yu Momo Yuehui. If their blood pressure is too high, they are advised to make appointment with their doctor.

  老师:No. 3, wave.


  老师:he gave us a wave as a bus drove wolf。


  老师:children were playing in the waves。

  老师:及物动词,对某某挥手。他挥手叫 Preen 离开房间。

  老师:he wiped the servant out of his room。


  老师:Martin waved us goodbye。


  老师:the flakes were waving in the wind。


  老师:her hair waves naturally, number four absolute。

  老师:absolute 形容词,完全的,绝对的。 absolutely 副词,完全的,绝对的。它的所述是十足的谎言。

  老师:His story was an absolute lie.

  老师:What he just said is absolutely true.

  老师:Absolutely not. I do not like picking duck.

  老师:No. 5, make one's way.

  老师:Make one's way. Qianwang Xinjin Qu. They make their way through the forest. You should make your way to the coast. Make one's way to.

  老师:The tiger made its way to its prey.

  老师:make ones way 前往走向, number six potential。

  老师:potential 名词潜在性,可能性,潜能形容词,可能的,潜在的。

  老师:i think the boy has potential in music, but he needs training, first we need to identify actual and potential problems。

  老师:number seven wiry。


  老师:my husband worries the vegetables he plants each year, vary from two。


  老师:our customers, vary from place to place。

  老师:他的情绪由乐观一变而极为消沉。 her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression, variety 名词质量,种类或特征的变化种类品种,你的膳食要多样化。

  老师:you need a lot of variety in your diet。

  老师:不同品种的香蕉 different varieties of bananas, number eight guarantee。

  老师:阅读下列各句,并观察 guarantee 在句中的词性及用法。

  老师:they guarantee the watch for three years。

  老师:对某某提出保证保修后接名词。他们给这块表保修 3 年。

  老师:most states guarantee the ride to free and adequate education。


  老师:i guarantee that if you tak


《32 U5 Vocabulary》.doc
