必修 第一册 ·英语· 人教版

31 M6U5 Reading


  老师:Hello everyone. Today we will learn a text in Unit 5, the power of nature, module 6. Objectives in this class, you will learn knowledge of volcano eruption and volcanoes job, identify the main idea and comprehend the passage in detailed information and evaluate volcanologists job and understand the significance of the job.

  老师:Now today our reading is an exciting job. What job can be called exciting? Before we read this article, let us watch a video clip to know something about this job.

  学生:The volcano, a window on the fiery interior of the world. The most explosive force of nature with a burning terror that we are powerless to resist. And yet volcanoes create new land. They're the source of life, but they could destroy it all. Volcanoes, the most powerful force on our raging planet. A single eruption can darken skies across whole continents and change the climate for generations. The most powerful volcanoes release thousands of times more energy than any nuclear weapon. In 1815, ash from the volcano Tambora created brilliant red sunsets around the world for three years. Larger eruptions have blocked out the sun for decades, causing disastrous changes to the world's climate and frequently driving entire species to extinction. The rivers of lava beneath this crust can be as hot as 2000 degrees Fahrenheit and give off deadly sulphurous fume. The volcanologists know and accept the risks.

  学生:I'm a volcanologist and that means to me, I want to study active volcanoes because I think we can learn really special things by being on the scene of eruptions. Rocks were as big as television sets falling around us.

  学生:I picked myself up and ran maybe another 10 meters before the next bad one broke my left leg and shattered my right leg.

  学生:Two hours later, he was rescued, but nine other people died that day.

  学生:It was the most energetic explosion we'd seen in five years and did killed six scientists were instantly dead, three tourists were killed. And I, like just a fluke was close to dead, but not quite there.

  学生:Stan's escape was miraculous. Over the next three years, he had 16 separate operations, but his body healed. And in 1995, he went back to Galeris.

  学生:This monster that really worked hard on killing me. And we sat there and talked about death for a few hours. And I survived and I'm packed.

  老师:From this clip, we know something about volcano. Magma is hot mountain rock within the Earth's crust. When magma erupts through the Earth's surface, it is called lover. So that means below the surface of the Earth's hot motor rock, as magma outside the earth is called lover. Got it?

  老师:The round opening mouth of a volcano is crater volcano. Eruptions with liquid rock coming to the crater as lover. Constant rain of black ash and deadly gases c


《31 M6U5 Reading》.doc
