二年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

24 Unit 5 In the Park第3课时


  老师:hello boys and girls, i m is Miao。

  老师:我是英语苗老师,来自中国农业科学院附属小学 nice to see you。本课我们使用的教材是人教版英语一年级起点二年级上册第五单元 story time。本课在教材第 42 和 43 页。在前面两课的学习中,我们欣赏并谈论了公园的美景。今天我们将学习第三课,一起走进公园,共享游园的乐趣 have find the parks。通过本节课的学习,希望同学们能够理解故事内容,并说一说公园里的景物和可以做的活动,在阅读的同时感受和体会在公园游玩的乐趣。

  老师:i are ready for the。 Us first, let's sing a song to review.

  学生:No park. It's so much fun for you, for me, for everyone. Play on the seesaw, play in the pool, eat an ice cream. It is nothing. Play with the Frisbee, play with the bomb, play on the slide.

  学生:So far it's so much fun for you, for me, for everyone.

  老师:The park, it's so much fun for you, for me, for everyone.

  老师:Wow, what a beautiful song. They have fun in the park. So what's in the park you can use? There is, there are.

  学生:There is a slide in the park.

  学生:There is a swing in the park.

  学生:There is grass in the park.

  学生:There are trees in the park. Peppa and her friends are in the park, too.

  老师:Excellent. Look, what about these ones? We call them monkey bars. Follow me? Monkey bars. Good. Peppa and her friends are happy in the park. Now let's read a story. Look, our friends are happy, too. Who are they?

  学生:They are Joy, Bill and Lily.

  老师:Yes, they look happy. But look at this picture. Look at Bill. Is he happy? What's on his head?

  学生:Is it a bird.

  老师:Maybe? What happens? Let's watch a video of the story.

  学生:I like trees. Look, there are trees in the park. I like boats.

  学生:Look, there is a boat on the lake.

  学生:And I like flowers.

  学生:Look, there are flowers in the grass.

  学生:I like birds. Look.

  老师:So what's on Bill's head?

  学生:It's a bird.

  老师:You are right. There's a bird on his head. Why is there a bird on his head? Now let's read the story together. Look at the pictures. What can you see in the pictures?

  学生:I can see Bell, Joy and Lily.

  学生:I can see some trees.

  老师:Good. They are talking happily. What are they talking about out? Let's listen.

  学生:I like trees. Look, there are trees in the park.

  老师:Oh, Bill likes trees. And there are trees in the park. Look at this picture. What color are the trees?

  学生:They are red.

  老师:Yes, they look beautiful. Bill likes trees. What else does he like? Let's listen. I like boats. Oh, he likes boats. Do they see both in the park? Let's see. Oh, yes. What does Lily say? Let's listen. Look.

  学生:There is a boat on the lake.

  老师:Oh, they see a boat on the lake. Look at these pictures. What are they talking about? Can you guess?

  学生:They are talking about the flowers.

  老师:Maybe. Let's listen.

  学生:And I like flowers.

  学生:Look, there are flowers in the.

  老师:Grass. You are right. Do you like flowers?

  学生:Yes, they are beautiful.

  老师:Me, too. Now, look at this picture. They are looking at the sky. What's in the sky?

  学生:There are many


《24 Unit 5 In the Park第3课时》.doc
