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26 Unit 6 Section A 1a-2d, 4a-4b(Period 1)


  老师:Hello, everyone. Welcome to our English class. Today we are going to start a new unit, unit 6. An old man tried to move the mountains. This is our first period. By the end of the class, you will be able to, number one, tell a story with the help of how, what and why. How does the story begin? What happened next? Why was Yugong trying to move the mountain? Number two, talk about the characters in the story.

  老师:characters means 故事中的人物。

  老师:First of all, let's look at the four pictures. Do you know these stories? Do you know the names of the stories? Okay, we can see they are all Chinese stories. Right here we have the four pictures and the four story titles. Please look at them and match the story titles with pictures. A2D. Okay, let's see. Number one, journey to the west. It should be picture, yes. B. In Chinese we say Xiaoji. Very good. No. 2, Yugong moves a mountain.

  老师:write picture d 愚公移山 lets see the next one ho yi shoots the sons yes picture a its 后羿射日, and the last one 女 repairs the sky picture sea its 女娲补天。

  老师:Okay, everyone, have you got the correct answers? Now, please open your books and turn to page 41. Let's look at activity 1B. Here is a conversation between Anna and Wang Ming. Please listen and check the facts you hear. Before listening, let's look at the three facts. Number one, the two mountains were very high and big. Number two, a very old man tried to move the mountains. Number three, a man told Yugong that he could never do it. Okay, now let's listen to the conversation.

  学生:Unit 6, an old man tried to move the mountains. Section a, activity 1 b. Listen and check the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?

  学生:Hi, Anna. In my Chinese class today, you read a famous story called Yigong moves a mountain.

  学生:Oh, how does the story begin?

  学生:Well, once upon a time, there was a very old man. There were two mountains near his house. They were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. So what happened next? Well, the old man told his family that they should all help him to move the mountains.

  学生:But an old man probably couldn't even move a. Small.

  学生:Tree. Yes, that's what his wife said, too.

  学生:And where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?

  学生:Yegong said that they put it in the sea because it's big enough to hold everything. So they all started digging the next day.

  老师:Okay, have you finished? Which fact did you hear? Yes, No. 1. And number two. which story are Anna and Wang Ming park。 Think about, yes, you are right, the story Yugong moves a mountain, picture B, right? All right, now let's listen again and think about the questions here. How does the story begin? What happened next? Where would they put all the earth and stone from th


《26 Unit 6 Section A 1a-2d, 4a-4b(Period 1)》.doc
