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57 Period 2 Future life and jobs


  老师:hello everyone welcome back to the English class。


  老师:IMS jue nice to see you again today is the second period of the reviewing session。


  老师:We are going to talk about future life and jobs. Are you ready? After this period, you will be able to talk about the future life from.

  老师:different aspects 能够从不同的角度谈论未来的生活。

  老师:and you will be able to compare different predictions about future life。


  老师:also you will be able to organize information and write a report about the different predictions。

  老师:能够编排信息完成对未来生活不同预测的报告写作。 this is Mike。 Do you remember him? He is working on a project about future life in 20 years. What is Mike going to do to complete the project? First, he is going to decide on the aspects of future life that he is going to run right about. Then he is going to interview two students about their predictions. Next, he is going to compare their predictions with his. Finally, he is going to write a report about it. What will life be like in 20 years? Mike is brainstorming. Let's take a look at Mike's predictions. There will be more trees and less pollution in cities. Cities will be bigger and more crowded. What are these predictions about? Yes, they are about the environment of the future life. Also, Mike thinks that the train will be faster and it will take less time to travel from one place to another. There will be driverless cars everywhere. What are driverless cars? Yes, a car without a driver. Amazing. What are these predictions about? Yes, they are about the transport.

  老师:quotation of the future life 交通方式 lets see more prediction。

  老师:People will work more, so they will have fewer vacations. People will have less free time. Of course, there will be more ways of entertainment. What are these predictions about? Here are some keywords such as entertainment, vacations, free time. Right. They are about the pastime.

  老师:of the future life 休闲活动。

  老师:What other predictions, Mark, has he made? Let's see, more. There will be more jobs in the city and I will be a writer. People will have more than one job. Robots will help us do some jobs that we don't like to do. So these predictions are about future jobs. So now Mike has decided on the four aspects that he is going to write about. Do you remember what they are? Yes, they are the environment.

  老师:环境, the transportation 交通 pastime 休闲活动 and jobs 职业, now the next。

  老师:Next step, Mike is going to interview two students about their predictions. Who is he going to interview? Let's take a look. Who are the interviewees? Right. Mike is going to interview Eric and Gina about their predictions. What will life be like in 20 years?

  老师:Now Mike is interviewing Eric about his predictions. Let's take a look at the inte


《57 Period 2 Future life and jobs》.doc
