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18 Period 3 Talent Shows


  老师:Hi, welcome back. In this video, we'll go on with uniform.

  学生:What's the best movie theater?

  老师:今天我们将继续学习第四单元 whats the best movie theater 的第三课时 talent show。 Hopefully.

  学生:By the end of the class, you will be able to, 1st, get a specific information about the school talent show through listening.

  老师:Second, use.

  学生:Superlatives of adjectives and adverbs to compare the performers correctly.



  老师:还有may,针对其价格服务,例如 room service,客房服务、硬件设施例如床铺的舒适度、房间大小。

  学生:television service。


  学生:radio station。

  老师:提供的电台频道等等方面做了一个百人大调查,想知道他们的调查结果是怎样的吗?让我们来听听看。现在我会连续播放两次录音,让我们挑战一下能不能在有限的时间里完成填空。 Please listen.

  学生:And complete the information sheet.

  学生:What do people think about the three hotels, Blue Sky, Spring and may? We asked 100 people about it. Most people think the service in the three hotels is good. But happily, most people think Blue Sky has the best service. Most people think the beds in Blue Sky are the most comfortable. The spring and may are not popular because spring has too many small rooms and may is the most expensive. Room service in Blue Sky is the fastest. Most people think the room service in spring is bad, but maize is the worst. Blue Sky has the best television service and the best radio stations. May has the worst television service and the most boring radio stations.

  学生:What do people think about the three hotels, Blue Sky, Spring and may? We asked 100 people about it. Most people think the service in the three hotels is good. But happily, most people think Blue Sky has the best service. Most people think the beds in Blue Sky are the most comfortable. The spring and may are not popular because spring has too many small rooms and may is the most expensive. Room service in Blue Sky is the fastest. Most people think the room service in spring is bad, but maize is the worst. Blue Sky has the best television service and the best radio stations. May has the worst television service and the most boring radio stations.

  老师:Have you finished?

  学生:Blue sky has the most comfortable bets. There are too many small rooms in spring. May is the most expensive. Blue skies room service is the fastest. May's radio stations are the most boring.

  老师:还有人对town, Cinema scream city 还有 movie world 这三家电影院的票架受欢迎程度,还有座椅的舒适度做了调查,想知道哪家店的票价最贵,哪家店最不受欢迎,哪家店的座椅最舒服吗?让我们来看看他们的调查报告。

  学生:Please read the information here are the sentences below.

  老师:True or false.现在你可以点击暂停键阅读方框里与三家电影院,Tom,Cinema, screen city 还有 movie world 有关的信息,判断一下我们所给的 3 个句子是对的还是错的。

  学生:A movie ticket at Tom Cinema is $12. It is $10 at Screen City and $9 at Movie World. So movie world is the most expensive and St


《18 Period 3 Talent Shows》.doc
