一年级 · 英语 · 人教版 · 上册

6 第1课时 This is my face.


  老师:hello boys and girls, amis lee welcome to my class today were going to learn unit two face。

  老师:通过本单元的学习,我们将会一起认识并介绍自己的身体部位,了解身体部位的不同及功能。本单元的主题为 i love my face。我们将通过 5 个课时来学习与身体部位有关的内容。本节课是第一课时,通过本课时的学习,我们将会听懂说出五官的名称,模仿说唱本课歌谣,还有好玩的听指令做动作的游戏等着你来参与。好,现在我们就快快开启今天的学习之旅。

  老师:First, please get the English book ready. Good. Now, please stand up, let's enjoy a song. Try to do the actions. These are children. Let's go.

  学生:Head, shoulders, knees, toes, head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose. Head, shoulders, knees, toes.

  学生:Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes, and eyes and ears and mouth and nose and shoulders, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes, and eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoulders, knees, and.

  老师:Toes. Good job. Now sit down, please. Let's learn about the parts of our bodies. Look, this is my face. can you show me your face good。

  老师:今天有位小朋友,他也想让大家来看看他的小脸儿。 look HES coming。

  学生:Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose. Look at my mouth and my little face. Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose, look at my mouth and my little face. My little face.

  老师:Look. Who is he? He is Bill. Yes, he is our friend. Can you say hello to Bill?

  学生:Hello. Hello. I'm Bill.

  老师:How lovely the faces. Now let's learn this, Bill. Look at the belt face. Let's listen and. say,同学们,当你看到小耳朵的时候,请你认真听。当你看到小嘴巴的时候,请你大声说。 Are ready? Here we go.


  学生:Ear,nose. Nose, now mouth.

  老师:Great. Let's sing the chant with Bill.

  学生:Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose, look at my mouth and my little face. Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose, look at my mouth and my little face. My little face.

  老师:Well done. Now, boys and girls, please take out English book and turn.

  老师:to page fourteen 请同学们打开教材第 14 页看 a 部分 and show me your fingers good。请同学们说一说,指一指 lets go, all right time is up now look at my nose look at my ear everyone can you see to like this。同学们,你们能像我这样说一说自己的五官吗?

  老师:Who wants to try.

  学生:Lets me try.

  老师:Wow joy wants to try lets listen.

  学生:Look at my face, look at my eye great.


  老师:Look ladies coming lets listen.

  学生:Look at my mouth look at my ear great.

  老师:wow Bing wants to try lets listen。

  学生:look at my eye look at my face great?

  老师:Whoa Andy is coming hi Andy you please lets listen.

  学生:Look at my nose, look at my ear great.


  老师:now lets sing the chunk with your actions show me your fingers good。

  老师:这次请同学们边唱歌谣边用手指一指自己的脸。 Already? Here we go.

  学生:Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose, look at my mouth and my little face. Look at my eye, look at my ear, look at my nose, look at my mouth and


《6 第1课时 This is my face.》.doc
